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Jeff Cummings
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2021
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Social Networking
Continuance Intention
Skill Development
Elementary Students
Top Venues
J. Inf. Syst. Educ.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst.
Ind. Manag. Data Syst.
Jeff Cummings
Thomas Janicki
: Survey of Technology and Skills in Demand: 2020 Update.
J. Inf. Syst. Educ.
32 (2) (2021)
Jeff Cummings
Thomas Janicki
What Skills do Students Need? A Multi-Year Study of IT/IS Knowledge and Skills in Demand by Employers.
J. Inf. Syst. Educ.
31 (3) (2020)
Jeff Cummings
How Does This Benefit Me? An Employee's Value Perception of Enterprise Social Media.
Minoo Modaresnezhad
Jeff Cummings
Factors Influencing Student Enrollment in the Information Systems Major.
Christopher Sibona
Jeff Cummings
Judy Scott
Predicting social networking sites continuance intention through alternative services.
Ind. Manag. Data Syst.
117 (6) (2017)
Sabine Matook
Jeff Cummings
Hillol Bala
Are You Feeling Lonely? The Impact of Relationship Characteristics and Online Social Network Features on Loneliness.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst.
31 (4) (2015)
Jeff Cummings
Anne P. Massey
Venkataraman Ramesh
Web 2.0 proclivity: understanding how personal use influences organizational adoption.