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Jannik Lockl
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Success Factors
Driving Forces
Workflow Management
Saudi Arabia
Top Venues
ACM Trans. Manag. Inf. Syst.
Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng.
IEEE Trans. Engineering Management
Pascal Fechner
Fabian König
Jannik Lockl
Maximilian Röglinger
How Artificial Intelligence Challenges Tailorable Technology Design.
Bus. Inf. Syst. Eng.
66 (3) (2024)
Rocco Xaver Richard Huber
Jannik Lockl
Maximilian Röglinger
Robin Weidlich
The Concept of a Smart Action - Results from Analyzing Information Systems Literature.
Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst.
54 (2024)
Pascal Fechner
Fabian König
Wolfgang Kratsch
Jannik Lockl
Maximilian Röglinger
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Bladder Monitoring: A Machine Learning Approach.
ACM Trans. Manag. Inf. Syst.
14 (2) (2023)
Marie-Sophie Baier
Jannik Lockl
Maximilian Röglinger
Robin Weidlich
Success factors of process digitalization projects - insights from an exploratory study.
Bus. Process. Manag. J.
28 (2) (2022)
Michael Burkard
Jannik Lockl
Tristan Zürl
Nicolas Ruhland
Managing My Bladder Dictates My Daily Routines - A Model for Design and Adoption of mHealth in Chronic Disease Management.
Jannik Lockl
Jens-Christian Stoetzer
Trust-Free Banking missed the Point - the effect of Distrust in banks on the Adoption of Decentralized Finance.
Johannes Sedlmeir
Philipp Ross
André Luckow
Jannik Lockl
Daniel Miehle
Gilbert Fridgen
The DLPS: A New Framework for Benchmarking Blockchains.
Jannik Lockl
Vincent Schlatt
André Schweizer
Nils Urbach
Natascha Harth
Toward Trust in Internet of Things Ecosystems: Design Principles for Blockchain-Based IoT Applications.
IEEE Trans. Engineering Management
67 (4) (2020)
Pascal Fechner
Jannik Lockl
Nicolas Ruhland
Tristan Zürl
Till Zwede
A Model for Predicting the Amount of Urine in the Bladder Based on App-generated Tracking Data.
Florian Guggenmos
Jannik Lockl
Alexander Rieger
Annette Wenninger
Gilbert Fridgen
How to Develop a GDPR-Compliant Blockchain Solution for Cross-Organizational Workflow Management: Evidence from the German Asylum Procedure.
Robert Keller
Alexander Stohr
Gilbert Fridgen
Jannik Lockl
Alexander Rieger
Affordance-Experimentation-Actualization Theory in Artificial Intelligence Research - A Predictive Maintenance Story.
Alexander Rieger
Florian Guggenmos
Jannik Lockl
Gilbert Fridgen
Nils Urbach
Building a Blockchain Application thatComplies with the EU General DataProtection Regulation.
MIS Q. Executive
18 (4) (2019)
Florian Guggenmos
Jannik Lockl
Alexander Rieger
Gilbert Fridgen
Blockchain in der öffentlichen Verwaltung - Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit im Asylprozess.
Inform. Spektrum
42 (3) (2019)
Gilbert Fridgen
Jannik Lockl
Sven Radszuwill
Alexander Rieger
André Schweizer
Nils Urbach
A Solution in Search of a Problem: A Method for the Development of Blockchain Use Cases.