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James Xiaoyu Gao
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2015
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Mass Customization
Product Development
Knowledge Management
Collaborative Learning Environments
Top Venues
APMS (1)
Integr. Comput. Aided Eng.
Int. J. Adv. Corp. Learn.
Yingguang Li
Changqing Liu
James Xiaoyu Gao
Weiming Shen
An integrated feature-based dynamic control system for on-line machining, inspection and monitoring.
Integr. Comput. Aided Eng.
22 (2) (2015)
Richard David Evans
James Xiaoyu Gao
Nick Martin
Clive Simmonds
Integrating Social Knowledge and Collaboration Tools into Dispersed Product Development.
Int. J. Adv. Corp. Learn.
8 (2) (2015)
Richard David Evans
James Xiaoyu Gao
Oladele Owodunni
Satya Shah
Sara Mahdikhah
Mourad Messaadia
David Baudry
A Framework for Improving the Sharing of Manufacturing Knowledge through Micro-Blogging.
APMS (1)
Sara Mahdikhah
Mourad Messaadia
David Baudry
Thierry Paquet
Anne Louis
Bélahcène Mazari
Richard David Evans
James Xiaoyu Gao
Towards Supplier Maturity Evaluation in Terms of PLM Collaboration.
APMS (1)
Richard David Evans
James Xiaoyu Gao
Steve Woodhead
Nick Martin
Clive Simmonds
An Investigation into Collaboration and Knowledge Managementduring Product Development in the Aerospace and Defence Industry.
Barry Andrew Piorkowski
Richard David Evans
James Xiaoyu Gao
Development of a face-to-face meeting capture and indexing process.
Wai M. Cheung
D. G. Bramall
Paul G. Maropoulos
James Xiaoyu Gao
Hayder Aziz
Organizational knowledge encapsulation and re-use in collaborative product development.
Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf.
19 (7) (2006)
James Xiaoyu Gao
Hayder Aziz
Paul G. Maropoulos
Wai M. Cheung
Application of product data management technologies for enterprise integration.
Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf.
16 (7&8) (2003)
Rohit Sharma
James Xiaoyu Gao
A Progressive design and manufacturing evaluation system incorporating STEP AP224.
Comput. Ind.
47 (2) (2002)