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Ivanir Costa
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2024
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Information Technology Infrastructure
Conceptual Model
Reverse Logistics
Case Study
Top Venues
APMS (2)
Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag.
Adalberto Ramos Cassia
Ivanir Costa
Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto
Assessment of the effect of IT infrastructure on the relationship between knowledge sharing and technological innovation capability: survey in multinational companies.
Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag.
36 (5) (2024)
André Felipe Henriques Librantz
Ivanir Costa
Mauro de Mesquita Spínola
Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto
Leandro Zerbinatti
Risk assessment in software supply chains using the Bayesian method.
Int. J. Prod. Res.
59 (22) (2021)
Adalberto Ramos Cassia
Ivanir Costa
Victor Hugo Carlquist da Silva
Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto
Systematic literature review for the development of a conceptual model on the relationship between knowledge sharing, information technology infrastructure and innovative capability.
Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manag.
32 (7) (2020)
André Felipe Henriques Librantz
Fábio Cosme Rodrigues dos Santos
Cleber Gustavo Dias
Adriana Cristina Aipp da Cunha
Ivanir Costa
Mauro de Mesquita Spínola
AHP Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis for Evaluating the Criticality of Software Programs.
Nilo Costa Serpa
Ivanir Costa
Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves
A Thermal System Based on Controlled Entropy for Treatment of Medical Waste by Solar Energy.
Lluís F. Hurtado
Ivanir Costa
Encarna Segarra
Fernando García-Granada
Emilio Sanchis
Traducción Automática usando conocimiento semántico en un dominio restringido.
Proces. del Leng. Natural
57 (2016)
Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto
Henrricco Nieves Pujol Tucci
Luiz Fernando Rodrigues Pinto
Ivanir Costa
Roberto Rodrigues Leite
Economic and Environmental Advantages of Rubber Recycling.
Franciele Alves dos Santos Medina
Vanessa Rodrigues da Silva
Sergio Gustavo Medina Pereira
Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves
Ivanir Costa
Interfaces affordable for smartphones to elderly: a screen layout proposal for sending messages.
Marinalva Rodrigues Barboza
Ivanir Costa
Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves
Nilson Salvetti
Ivan Barbosa
Characteristics for an integrated information system for management of recycling electronic waste.
Adriano Michelotti Schroeder
Geraldo Cardoso de Oliveira Neto
Washington Carvalho de Sousa
Ivanir Costa
Recycle and reuse process of e-waste (printed circuit boards) in Brazil: a case study.
Jarbas Lopes Cardoso Jr.
Ivanir Costa
Frédéric Andrès
Silvio Ernesto Barbin
Collective intelligence approach for free software adoption by municipalities.
Nilo Sylvio Costa Serpa
Ivanir Costa
Oduvaldo Vendrametto
Luiz de Oliveira Costa Neto
Project and Work Organization in Solidarity Economy: A first Approach According to Production Engineering.
APMS (2)
Nilo Sylvio Costa Serpa
Ivanir Costa
Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves
Green IT and Waste Paper in Governmental Institutions: The Proposal of the Infotercio Financial Model.
APMS (2)
Nilo Sylvio Costa Serpa
Ivanir Costa
Diego Rodrigues
Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves
The Green IT Certification Ruled by the Infotercio Financial Model.
APMS (2)
Marinalva Rodrigues Barboza
Rodrigo Franco Gonçalves
Enrico D'Onofrio
Ivanir Costa
Reverse Logistics of Information and Communication Technology Equipment: A Comparative Assessment of Laws and Programs.
APMS (2)
Nilo Sylvio Costa Serpa
Bruna Brasil Sá
Ivanir Costa
Oduvaldo Vendrametto
Agribusiness, Agrienergy and Leadership: The Coaching as a Tool to Guide Talents.
APMS (2)
Antônio Palmeira de Araújo Neto
Ivanir Costa
Andréa Martins Cristóvão
Nilo Costa Serpa
Sustainability Impacts in the IT Strategic Alignment.
Nilo Costa Serpa
Ivanir Costa
Antônio Palmeira de Araújo Neto
Technical Noncompliance Evaluation Criteria for Sustainable Production of IT Support Services in the Ministry of Work and Employment at Brazil.
Jefferson Blaitt
Mauro de Mesquita Spínola
Ivanir Costa
Customização de Sistemas ERP: Especificação de um processo baseado na Norma ISO 12207.