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Huibin Yan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2023
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Top Venues
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
Games Econ. Behav.
ACM Multimedia
Pengling Zhang
Huibin Yan
Wenhui Wu
Shuoyao Wang
Improving Federated Person Re-Identification through Feature-Aware Proximity and Aggregation.
ACM Multimedia
Bijun Zhou
Huibin Yan
Shuoyao Wang
Structure and Texture Preserving Network for Real-World Image Super-Resolution.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
29 (2022)
Huibin Yan
Shuoyao Wang
FCGP: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Joint Contrast and Gradient Preservation.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
28 (2021)
Huibin Yan
Shuoyao Wang
ℓ2 Norm is all Your Need: Infrared-Visible Image Fusion VIA Guided Transformation Minimization.
Huibin Yan
Zhongmin Li
A General Perceptual Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Framework Based on Linear Filter and Side Window Filtering Technology.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Huibin Yan
Daniel Friedman
David R. Munro
An experiment on a core controversy.
Games Econ. Behav.
96 (2016)
Huibin Yan
Uniqueness in Random-Proposer Multilateral Bargaining.
11 (4) (2009)
Huibin Yan
Noncooperative selection of the core.
Int. J. Game Theory
31 (4) (2003)