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Gleydson Lima
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2013
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Venues
SPLC (2)
Gleydson Lima
Jadson Santos
Uirá Kulesza
Daniel Alencar da Costa
Sergio Vianna Fialho
A Delta Oriented Approach to the Evolution and Reconciliation of Enterprise Software Products Lines.
Demóstenes Sena
Felipe Pinto
Gleydson Lima
Jadson Santos
Jalerson Lima
Uirá Kulesza
David Ricardo Do Vale Pereira
Victor H. Fernandes
Alexandre Vianna
Modularization of variabilities from software product lines of web information systems (in Portuguese).
Alexandre Vianna
Felipe Pinto
Demóstenes Sena
Uirá Kulesza
Roberta Coelho
Jadson Santos
Jalerson Lima
Gleydson Lima
Squid: an extensible infrastructure for analyzing software product line implementations.
SPLC (2)
Jadson Santos
Gleydson Lima
Uirá Kulesza
Demóstenes Sena
Felipe Pinto
Jalerson Lima
Alexandre Vianna
David Ricardo Do Vale Pereira
Victor H. Fernandes
Conditional execution: a pattern for the implementation of fine-grained variabilities in software product lines.
David Ricardo Do Vale Pereira
Gleydson Lima
Uirá Kulesza
Architecting and modularizing web information systems using design patterns.
Anamaria Martins Moreira
Christophe Ringeissen
David Déharbe
Gleydson Lima
Manipulating algebraic specifications with term-based and graph-based representations.
J. Log. Algebraic Methods Program.
59 (1-2) (2004)
Gleydson Lima
Anamaria Martins Moreira
David Déharbe
David Ricardo Do Vale Pereira
Demóstenes Sena
Jorgiano Vidal
FERUS: Um Ambiente de Desenvolvimento de Especificações CASL.