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Gal Oren
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 62
Top Topics
Maximum Matching
Water Supply
Main Memory
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient
Top Venues
ISC Workshops
Deborah Schwarcz
Nadav Schneider
Gal Oren
Uri Steinitz
Reactor Optimization Benchmark by Reinforcement Learning.
Le Chen
Arijit Bhattacharjee
Nesreen K. Ahmed
Niranjan Hasabnis
Gal Oren
Vy A. Vo
Ali Jannesari
OMPGPT: A Generative Pre-trained Transformer Model for OpenMP.
Nadav Schneider
Niranjan Hasabnis
Vy A. Vo
Tal Kadosh
Neva Krien
Mihai Capota
Abdul Wasay
Guy Tamir
Ted Willke
Nesreen K. Ahmed
Yuval Pinter
Timothy Mattson
Gal Oren
MPIrigen: MPI Code Generation through Domain-Specific Language Models.
Le Chen
Nesreen K. Ahmed
Akash Dutta
Arijit Bhattacharjee
Sixing Yu
Quazi Ishtiaque Mahmud
Waqwoya Abebe
Hung Phan
Aishwarya Sarkar
Branden Butler
Niranjan Hasabnis
Gal Oren
Vy A. Vo
Juan Pablo Muñoz
Theodore L. Willke
Tim Mattson
Ali Jannesari
The Landscape and Challenges of HPC Research and LLMs.
Re'em Harel
Yuval Pinter
Gal Oren
Learning to Parallelize in a Shared-Memory Environment with Transformers.
Tal Kadosh
Niranjan Hasabnis
Vy A. Vo
Nadav Schneider
Neva Krien
Mihai Capota
Abdul Wasay
Nesreen K. Ahmed
Ted Willke
Guy Tamir
Yuval Pinter
Timothy Mattson
Gal Oren
Domain-Specific Code Language Models: Unraveling the Potential for HPC Codes and Tasks.
Tal Kadosh
Nadav Schneider
Niranjan Hasabnis
Timothy Mattson
Yuval Pinter
Gal Oren
Advising OpenMP Parallelization via a Graph-Based Approach with Transformers.
Yehonatan Fridman
Suprasad Mutalik Desai
Navneet Singh
Thomas Willhalm
Gal Oren
CXL Memory as Persistent Memory for Disaggregated HPC: A Practical Approach.
SC Workshops
Nadav Schneider
Tal Kadosh
Niranjan Hasabnis
Timothy Mattson
Yuval Pinter
Gal Oren
MPI-RICAL: Data-Driven MPI Distributed Parallelism Assistance with Transformers.
SC Workshops
Tal Kadosh
Niranjan Hasabnis
Timothy Mattson
Yuval Pinter
Gal Oren
Quantifying OpenMP: Statistical Insights into Usage and Adoption.
Nadav Schneider
Muriel Tzdaka
Galit Sturm
Guy Lazovski
Galit Bar
Gilad Oren
Raz Gvishi
Gal Oren
Explainable Multi-View Deep Networks Methodology for Experimental Physics.
Le Chen
Arijit Bhattacharjee
Nesreen K. Ahmed
Niranjan Hasabnis
Gal Oren
Bin Lei
Ali Jannesari
CompCodeVet: A Compiler-guided Validation and Enhancement Approach for Code Dataset.
Yehonatan Fridman
Guy Tamir
Gal Oren
Portability and Scalability of OpenMP Offloading on State-of-the-art Accelerators.
Tal Kadosh
Nadav Schneider
Niranjan Hasabnis
Timothy Mattson
Yuval Pinter
Gal Oren
Advising OpenMP Parallelization via A Graph-Based Approach with Transformers.
Yehonatan Fridman
Suprasad Mutalik Desai
Navneet Singh
Thomas Willhalm
Gal Oren
CXL Memory as Persistent Memory for Disaggregated HPC: A Practical Approach.
Tal Kadosh
Niranjan Hasabnis
Vy A. Vo
Nadav Schneider
Neva Krien
Abdul Wasay
Nesreen K. Ahmed
Ted Willke
Guy Tamir
Yuval Pinter
Timothy Mattson
Gal Oren
Scope is all you need: Transforming LLMs for HPC Code.
Yehonatan Fridman
Guy Tamir
Gal Oren
Portability and Scalability of OpenMP Offloading on State-of-the-Art Accelerators.
ISC Workshops
Nadav Schneider
Tal Kadosh
Niranjan Hasabnis
Timothy Mattson
Yuval Pinter
Gal Oren
MPI-rical: Data-Driven MPI Distributed Parallelism Assistance with Transformers.
Tal Kadosh
Niranjan Hasabnis
Timothy Mattson
Yuval Pinter
Gal Oren
Quantifying OpenMP: Statistical Insights into Usage and Adoption.
Re'em Harel
Matan Rusanovsky
Ron Wagner
Harel Levin
Gal Oren
ScalSALE: Scalable SALE Benchmark Framework for Supercomputers.
Yehonatan Fridman
Yaniv Snir
Harel Levin
Danny Hendler
Hagit Attiya
Gal Oren
NVM-ESR: Using Non-Volatile Memory in Exact State Reconstruction of Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient.
Nadav Schneider
Matan Rusanovsky
Raz Gvishi
Gal Oren
Determining HEDP Foams' Quality with Multi-View Deep Learning Classification.
Yehonatan Fridman
Yaniv Snir
Harel Levin
Danny Hendler
Hagit Attiya
Gal Oren
Recovery of Distributed Iterative Solvers for Linear Systems Using Non-Volatile RAM.
Leonid Barenboim
Gal Oren
Distributed backup placement.
Distributed Comput.
35 (5) (2022)
Re'em Harel
Yuval Pinter
Gal Oren
Learning to Parallelize in a Shared-Memory Environment with Transformers.
Yehonatan Fridman
Re'em Harel
Gal Oren
The Case for Non-Volatile RAM in Cloud HPCaaS.
Nadav Schneider
Matan Rusanovsky
Raz Gvishi
Gal Oren
Determining HEDP Foams' Quality with Multi-View Deep Learning Classification.
Kfir Zvi
Gal Oren
Optimized Memoryless Fair-Share HPC Resources Scheduling using Transparent Checkpoint-Restart Preemption.
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Distributed Backup K-Placement and Applications to Virtual Memory in Wireless Networks.
ICDCN (Adjunct Volume)
Yehonatan Fridman
Matan Rusanovsky
Gal Oren
ChangeChip: A Reference-Based Unsupervised Change Detection for PCB Defect Detection.
Yehonatan Fridman
Yaniv Snir
Matan Rusanovsky
Kfir Zvi
Harel Levin
Danny Hendler
Hagit Attiya
Gal Oren
Assessing the Use Cases of Persistent Memory in High-Performance Scientific Computing.
Yehonatan Fridman
Yaniv Snir
Matan Rusanovsky
Kfir Zvi
Harel Levin
Danny Hendler
Hagit Attiya
Gal Oren
Assessing the Use Cases of Persistent Memory in High-Performance Scientific Computing.
Matan Rusanovsky
Ofer Beeri
Sigalit Ifergane
Gal Oren
An End-to-End Computer Vision Methodology for Quantitative Metallography.
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Backup Placement in WSNs in the Network Management Distributed Setting.
ICDCS Workshops
Idan Mosseri
Lee-or Alon
Re'em Harel
Gal Oren
ComPar: Optimized Multi-compiler for Automatic OpenMP S2S Parallelization.
Leonid Barenboim
Gal Oren
Distributed Backup Placement in One Round and its Applications to Maximum Matching Approximation and Self-Stabilization.
Leonid Barenboim
Gal Oren
Fast Distributed Backup Placement in Sparse and Dense Networks.
Idan Mosseri
Lee-or Alon
Re'em Harel
Gal Oren
ComPar: Optimized Multi-Compiler for Automatic OpenMP S2S Parallelization.
Re'em Harel
Matan Rusanovsky
Yehonatan Fridman
Assaf Shimony
Gal Oren
Complete CVDL Methodology for Investigating Hydrodynamic Instabilities.
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Distributed K-Backup-Placement and Applications to Virtual Memory in Heterogeneous Networks.
Re'em Harel
Idan Mosseri
Harel Levin
Lee-or Alon
Matan Rusanovsky
Gal Oren
Source-to-Source Parallelization Compilers for Scientific Shared-Memory Multi-core and Accelerated Multiprocessing: Analysis, Pitfalls, Enhancement and Potential.
Int. J. Parallel Program.
48 (1) (2020)
Matan Rusanovsky
Gal Oren
Sigalit Ifergane
Ofer Beeri
MLography: An Automated Quantitative Metallography Model for Impurities Anomaly Detection using Novel Data Mining and Deep Learning Approach.
Re'em Harel
Matan Rusanovsky
Yehonatan Fridman
Assaf Shimony
Gal Oren
Complete Deep Computer-Vision Methodology for Investigating Hydrodynamic Instabilities.
ISC Workshops
Leonid Barenboim
Gal Oren
Distributed Backup Placement in One Round and its Applications to Maximum Matching Approximation and Self-Stabilization.
Matan Rusanovsky
Re'em Harel
Lee-or Alon
Idan Mosseri
Harel Levin
Gal Oren
BACKUS: Comprehensive High-Performance Research Software Engineering Approach for Simulations in Supercomputing Systems.
Harel Levin
Gal Oren
Eyal Shalev
Vladimir Lyakhovsky
Acceleration of Hydro Poro-Elastic Damage Simulation in a Shared-Memory Environment.
Idan Mosseri
Matan Rusanovsky
Gal Oren
TradeMarker - Artificial Intelligence Based Trademarks Similarity Search Engine.
HCI (35)
Re'em Harel
Gal Oren
GraphiX: A Fast Human-Computer Interaction Symmetric Multiprocessing Parallel Scientific Visualization Tool.
Leonid Barenboim
Gal Oren
Fast Distributed Backup Placement in Sparse and Dense Graphs.
Gal Oren
Yehuda Ganan
Guy Malamud
AutOMP: An Automatic OpenMP Parallization Generator for Variable-Oriented High-Performance Scientific Codes.
Int. J. Comb. Optim. Probl. Informatics
9 (1) (2018)
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Harel Levin
Distributed Fault-Tolerant Backup-Placement in Overloaded Wireless Sensor Networks.
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Harel Levin
Distributed Fault-Tolerant Backup-Placement in Overloaded Wireless Sensor Networks.
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Harel Levin
Adaptive Distributed Hierarchical Sensing Algorithm for Reduction of Wireless Sensor Network Cluster-Heads Energy Consumption.
Gal Oren
Yehuda Ganan
Guy Malamud
AutOMP: An Automatic OpenMP Parallelization Generator for Variable-Oriented High-Performance Scientific Codes.
Gal Oren
Guy Malamud
CalCul: A Python-Based Workspace for High-Performance Parameters-Sweep in Scientific Legacy Codes.
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Harel Levin
Adaptive Distributed Hierarchical Sensing algorithm for reduction of wireless sensor network cluster-heads energy consumption.
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Harel Levin
Load-Balancing Adaptive Clustering Refinement Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Clusters.
Gal Oren
Optimizations of Management Algorithms for Multi-Level Memory Hierarchy.
Gal Oren
Nerya Y. Stroh
Mathematical Model for Detection of Leakage in Domestic Water Supply Systems by Reading Consumption from an Analogue Water Meter.
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Lior Amar
Memory-Aware Management for Multi-Level Main Memory Complex using an Optimization of the Aging Paging Algorithm.
Gal Oren
Leonid Barenboim
Lior Amar
Memory-Aware Management for Heterogeneous Main Memory Using an Optimization of the Aging Paging Algorithm.
ICPP Workshops
Gal Oren
Lior Amar
David Levy-Hevroni
Guy Malamud
The Looking-Glass System: A Unidirectional Network for Secure Data Transfer Using an Optic Medium.