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Fernando Kleiman
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Factors Influencing
Open Data
Design Rationale
Federal Government
Top Venues
Nina Rizun
Charalampos Alexopoulos
Stuti Saxena
Fernando Kleiman
Ricardo Matheus
Do personality traits influence the user's behavioral intention to adopt and use Open Government Data (OGD)? An empirical investigation.
Telematics Informatics
87 (2024)
Fernando Kleiman
Sylvia J. T. Jansen
Sebastiaan A. Meijer
Marijn Janssen
Understanding civil servants' intentions to open data: factors influencing behavior to disclose data.
Inf. Technol. People
37 (2) (2024)
Nina Rizun
Charalampos Alexopoulos
Stuti Saxena
Fernando Kleiman
Ricardo Matheus
How do personality traits influence Open Government Data (OGD) adoption and usage? Investigating the indirect and moderating effects.
Fernando Kleiman
Rogerio De Souza Farias
Nathalia Junca Nogueira
Thais Barral De Oliveira Brito
Marcelo Mendes Barbosa
Danilo Marasca Marasca Bertazzi
Roberto Seara Machado Pojo Rego
New ways for monitoring the public workforce after the pandemic: The management and performance program in the Brazilian Federal Government.
Derek Kuipers
Fernando Kleiman
L. Zantema
Ivo Wenzler
Reducept VR: The Importance of a Design Rationale for the Immersiveness of a Virtual Reality Game to Support Chronic Pain Treatment Effectively.
Davide Di Staso
Fernando Kleiman
Joep Crompvoets
Marijn Janssen
Changing Civil Servants' Awareness about Open Data Using a Collaborative Digital Game.
Davide Di Staso
Fernando Kleiman
Joep Crompvoets
Marijn Janssen
A Digital Game to Learn About Open Data.
Fernando Kleiman
Sebastiaan A. Meijer
Marijn Janssen
A Systematic Literature Review on the Use of Games for Attitude Change: Searching for Factors Influencing Civil Servants' Attitudes.
Int. J. Electron. Gov. Res.
16 (4) (2020)
Fernando Kleiman
Sebastiaan A. Meijer
Marijn Janssen
Gaming for Meaningful Interactions in Teleworking Lessons Learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic from Integrating Gaming in Virtual Meetings.
Digit. Gov. Res. Pract.
1 (4) (2020)
Fernando Kleiman
Sebastiaan A. Meijer
Marijn Janssen
Behavioral factors influencing the opening of government data by civil servants: initial findings from the literature.
Fernando Kleiman
Marijn Janssen
Sebastiaan A. Meijer
Evaluation of a Pilot Game to Change Civil Servants' Willingness Towards Open Data Policy Making.
Fernando Kleiman
Engaging Governments in Open Data Policies through Gaming.
Fernando Kleiman
Marijn Janssen
Gaming to improve public policies by engaging local governments in open data policy-making.
Fernando Kleiman
Marijn Janssen
Sebastiaan A. Meijer
Serious Gaming for developing Open Government Data Policies by Local Governments.