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Fei Li
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2019
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Cloud Computing
Service Delivery
Smart Cities
Top Venues
IEEE Internet Comput.
Uwe Zdun
Evangelos Ntentos
Konstantinos Plakidas
Amine El Malki
Daniel Schall
Fei Li
On the Design and Architecture of Deployment Pipelines in Cloud- and Service-Based Computing - A Model-Based Qualitative Study.
Evangelos Ntentos
Uwe Zdun
Konstantinos Plakidas
Daniel Schall
Fei Li
Sebastian Meixner
Supporting Architectural Decision Making on Data Management in Microservice Architectures.
Sebastian Meixner
Daniel Schall
Fei Li
Vasileios Karagiannis
Stefan Schulte
Konstantinos Plakidas
Automatic Application Placement and Adaptation in Cloud-Edge Environments.
Jürgen Cito
Johannes Wettinger
Lucy Ellen Lwakatare
Markus Borg
Fei Li
Feedback from Operations to Software Development - A DevOps Perspective on Runtime Metrics and Logs.
Fei Li
Joachim Fröhlich
Daniel Schall
Markus Lachenmayr
Christoph Stückjürgen
Sebastian Meixner
Frank Buschmann
Microservice Patterns for the Life Cycle of Industrial Edge Software.
Robert Heinrich
André van Hoorn
Holger Knoche
Fei Li
Lucy Ellen Lwakatare
Claus Pahl
Stefan Schulte
Johannes Wettinger
Performance Engineering for Microservices: Research Challenges and Directions.
ICPE Companion
Ruisheng Shi
Yang Zhang
Lina Lan
Fei Li
Junliang Chen
Summary Instance: Scalable Event Priority Determination Engine for Large-Scale Distributed Event-Based System.
Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks
11 (2015)
Srdjan Stevanetic
Konstantinos Plakidas
Tudor B. Ionescu
Fei Li
Daniel Schall
Uwe Zdun
Tool Support for the Architectural Design Decisions in Software Ecosystems.
ECSA Workshops
Lina Lan
Bai Wang
Lei Zhang
Ruisheng Shi
Fei Li
An Event-driven Service-oriented Architecture for Internet of Things Service Execution.
Int. J. Online Eng.
11 (2) (2015)
Soheil Qanbari
Fei Li
Schahram Dustdar
Toward Portable Cloud Manufacturing Services.
IEEE Internet Comput.
18 (6) (2014)
Lina Lan
Fei Li
Bai Wang
Lei Zhang
Ruisheng Shi
An Event-Driven Service-Oriented Architecture for the Internet of Things.
Soheil Qanbari
Fei Li
Schahram Dustdar
Tian-Shyr Dai
Cloud Asset Pricing Tree (CAPT) - Elastic Economic Model for Cloud Service Providers.
Christian Inzinger
Stefan Nastic
Sanjin Sehic
Michael Vögler
Fei Li
Schahram Dustdar
MADCAT: A Methodology for Architecture and Deployment of Cloud Application Topologies.
Sanjin Sehic
Stefan Nastic
Michael Vögler
Fei Li
Schahram Dustdar
Entity-adaptation: a programming model for development of context-aware applications.
Michael Vögler
Fei Li
Markus Claeßens
Johannes M. Schleicher
Sanjin Sehic
Stefan Nastic
Schahram Dustdar
COLT Collaborative Delivery of Lightweight IoT Applications.
IoT360 (1)
Soheil Qanbari
Fei Li
Schahram Dustdar
Tian-Shyr Dai
An Economic Model for Utilizing Cloud Computing Resources via Pricing Elasticity of Demand and Supply.
CLOSER (Selected Papers)
Schahram Dustdar
Fei Li
Hong Linh Truong
Sanjin Sehic
Stefan Nastic
Soheil Qanbari
Michael Vögler
Markus Claessens
Green software services: From requirements to business models.
Fei Li
Michael Vögler
Markus Claessens
Schahram Dustdar
Towards Automated IoT Application Deployment by a Cloud-Based Approach.
Fei Li
Schahram Dustdar
Jakob E. Bardram
Martin Serrano
Manfred Hauswirth
Vasilios Andrikopoulos
Frank Leymann
EUPaaS - Elastic Ubiquitous Platform as a Service for Large-scale Ubiquitous Applications.
Fei Li
Michael Vögler
Markus Claessens
Schahram Dustdar
Efficient and Scalable IoT Service Delivery on Cloud.
Fei Li
Michael Vögler
Sanjin Sehic
Soheil Qanbari
Stefan Nastic
Hong Linh Truong
Schahram Dustdar
Web-Scale Service Delivery for Smart Cities.
IEEE Internet Comput.
17 (4) (2013)
Sanjin Sehic
Fei Li
Stefan Nastic
Schahram Dustdar
A programming model for context-aware applications in large-scale pervasive systems.
Fei Li
Stefan Nastic
Schahram Dustdar
Data Quality Observation in Pervasive Environments.
Katharina Rasch
Fei Li
Sanjin Sehic
Rassul Ayani
Schahram Dustdar
Automatic Description of Context-Altering Services through Observational Learning.
Fei Li
Schahram Dustdar
Incorporating Unsupervised Learning in Activity Recognition.
Activity Context Representation
Katharina Rasch
Fei Li
Sanjin Sehic
Rassul Ayani
Schahram Dustdar
Context-driven personalized service discovery in pervasive environments.
World Wide Web
14 (4) (2011)
Sanjin Sehic
Fei Li
Schahram Dustdar
COPAL-ML: a macro language for rapid development of context-aware applications in wireless sensor networks.
Marco Mori
Fei Li
Christoph Dorn
Paola Inverardi
Schahram Dustdar
Leveraging State-Based User Preferences in Context-Aware Reconfigurations for Self-Adaptive Systems.
Fei Li
Sanjin Sehic
Schahram Dustdar
COPAL: An adaptive approach to context provisioning.
Schahram Dustdar
Christoph Dorn
Fei Li
Luciano Baresi
Giacomo Cabri
Cesare Pautasso
Franco Zambonelli
A roadmap towards sustainable self-aware service systems.
Sen Su
Fei Li
Fangchun Yang
Iterative selection algorithm for service composition in distributed environments.
Sci. China Ser. F Inf. Sci.
51 (11) (2008)
Fei Li
Fangchun Yang
Kai Shuang
Sen Su
Q-Peer: A Decentralized QoS Registry Architecture for Web Services.
Fei Li
Fangchun Yang
Kai Shuang
Sen Su
Peer-to-Peer Based QoS Registry Architecture for Web Services.
Fei Li
Fangchun Yang
Kai Shuang
Sen Su
On Composite Service Optimization Across Distributed QoS Registries.
International Conference on Computational Science (4)
Fei Li
Fangchun Yang
Sen Su
On Distributed Service Selection for QoS Driven Service Composition.