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Fahmi Fahmi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Texture Descriptors
Illumination Invariant
Detection Algorithm
Heart Disease
Top Venues
IEEE Internet Things J.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
Muhammad Yazid
Fahmi Fahmi
Erwin Sutanto
Rachmad Setiawan
Muhammad Aziz
Simple Authentication Method for Vehicle Monitoring IoT Device With Verifiable Data Integrity.
IEEE Internet Things J.
10 (8, April 15) (2023)
Suangli Suangli
Fahmi Fahmi
Elviawaty Muisa Zamzami
Performance Analysis of Support Vector Machine and Xgboost Classifier Algorithms in Predicting Data Heart Disease.
Muhammad Yazid
Fahmi Fahmi
Erwin Sutanto
Wervyan Shalannanda
Ruhush Shoalihin
Gwo-Jiun Horng
Simple Detection of Epilepsy From EEG Signal Using Local Binary Pattern Transition Histogram.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Fahmi Fahmi
Meganingrum Arista Jiwanggi
Mirna Adriani
Speech-Emotion Detection in an Indonesian Movie.
Fahmi Fahmi
A. Riordan
Ludo F. M. Beenen
Geert J. Streekstra
N. Y. Janssen
H. W. de Jong
Charles B. L. M. Majoie
Ed van Bavel
Henk A. Marquering
The effect of head movement on CT perfusion summary maps: simulations with CT hybrid phantom data.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
52 (2) (2014)