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Fabíolo Moraes Amaral
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2021
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Dynamical Systems
Equilibrium Point
Top Venues
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
Elaine Santos Dias
Luís Fernando Costa Alberto
Fabíolo Moraes Amaral
Hsiao-Dong Chiang
Toward a Comprehensive Theory for Stability Regions of a Class of Nonlinear Discrete Dynamical Systems.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
66 (9) (2021)
Josaphat R. R. Gouveia Jr.
Luís Fernando Costa Alberto
Fabíolo Moraes Amaral
Supercritical Hopf equilibrium points on the boundary of the stability region.
Josaphat R. R. Gouveia Jr.
Fabíolo Moraes Amaral
Luís F. C. Alberto
Stability boundary Characterization of nonlinear Autonomous Dynamical Systems in the Presence of a supercritical Hopf equilibrium Point.
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos
23 (12) (2013)
Fabíolo Moraes Amaral
Luís F. C. Alberto
Type-Zero saddle-Node bifurcations and stability Region Estimation of nonlinear Autonomous Dynamical Systems.
Int. J. Bifurc. Chaos
22 (1) (2012)
Fabíolo Moraes Amaral
Luís F. C. Alberto
Robustness of stability regions of nonlinear circuits and systems under parameter variation.