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Ella Dagan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 24
Top Topics
Social Media
Top Venues
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
CHI Extended Abstracts
UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct
Raquel Breejon Robinson
Anya Osborne
Chen Ji
James Collin Fey
Ella Dagan
Katherine Isbister
"That's Not Good Science!": An Argument for the Thoughtful Use of Formative Situations in Research through Design.
James Collin Fey
Raquel Breejon Robinson
Selin Ovali
Nate Laffan
Kevin Weatherwax
Ella Dagan
Katherine Isbister
Now That's What I Call A Robot(ics Education Kit)!
Raquel Breejon Robinson
Anya Osborne
Chen Ji
James Collin Fey
Ella Dagan
Katherine Isbister
"That's Not Good Science!": An Argument for the Thoughtful Use of Formative Situations in Research Through Design.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Ella Dagan
Anita Sarma
Alison Chang
Sarah D'Angelo
Jill Dicker
Emerson R. Murphy-Hill
Building and Sustaining Ethnically, Racially, and Gender Diverse Software Engineering Teams: A Study at Google.
Angela Y. H. Fan
Chen Ji
Ella Dagan
Samir Ghosh
Yuhui Wang
Katherine Isbister
The Cuteness Factor: An Interpretive Framework for Artists, Designers and Engineers.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Ella Dagan
Ana Cárdenas Gasca
Ava Robinson
Anwar Noriega
Yu Jiang Tham
Rajan Vaish
Andrés Monroy-Hernández
Project IRL: Playful Co-Located Interactions with Mobile Augmented Reality.
James Collin Fey
Ella Dagan
Elena Márquez Segura
Katherine Isbister
Anywear Academy: A Larp-based Camp to Inspire Computational Interest in Middle School Girls.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Ella Dagan
Ana María Cárdenas Gasca
Ava Robinson
Anwar Noriega
Yu Jiang Tham
Rajan Vaish
Andrés Monroy-Hernández
Project IRL: Playful Co-Located Interactions with Mobile Augmented Reality.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
6 (CSCW1) (2022)
Katherine Isbister
Peter Cottrell
Alessia Cecchet
Ella Dagan
Nikki Theofanopoulou
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Aaron J. Horowitz
Nick Mead
Joel B. Schwartz
Petr Slovák
Design (Not) Lost in Translation: A Case Study of an Intimate-Space Socially Assistive "Robot" for Emotion Regulation.
ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact.
29 (4) (2022)
Ella Dagan
Katherine Isbister
Synergistic Social Technology: Designing Systems with 'Needs' that Encourage and Support Social Interaction.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Soomin Kim
Minsuk Chang
Ella Dagan
Jared Duval
Katherine Isbister
Laia Turmo Vidal
Social Media as a Design and Research Site in HCI: Mapping Out Opportunities and Envisioning Future Uses.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Katherine Isbister
Peter Cottrell
Alessia Cecchet
Ella Dagan
Nikki Theofanopoulou
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Aaron J. Horowitz
Nick Mead
Joel B. Schwarz
Petr Slovák
Design not Lost in Translation: A Case Study of an Intimate-Space Socially Assistive Robot for Emotion Regulation.
Alexandra Pometko
Ella Dagan
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Katherine Isbister
Drawing From Social Media to Inspire Increasingly Playful and Social Drone Futures.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Laia Turmo Vidal
Ella Dagan
Jared Duval
Elena Márquez Segura
Katherine Isbister
Chasing Play with Instagram: How Can We Capture Mundane Play Potentials to Inspire Interaction Design?
CHI Extended Abstracts
Ella Dagan
Co-located Social Engineering Through Novel Technology Design.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume)
Ella Dagan
James Collin Fey
Sanoja Kikkeri
Charlene Hoang
Rachel Hsiao
Katherine Isbister
Flippo the Robo-Shoe-Fly: A Foot Dwelling Social Wearable Companion.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Ella Dagan
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Elena Márquez Segura
Miguel Flores
Katherine Isbister
A social wearable that affords vulnerability.
UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct
Ella Dagan
Elena Márquez Segura
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Miguel Flores
Robb Mitchell
Katherine Isbister
Design Framework for Social Wearables.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Ella Dagan
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Elena Márquez Segura
Miguel Flores
Katherine Isbister
Workshop presentation of a social wearable that affords vulnerability.
UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct
Ella Dagan
Elena Márquez Segura
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Miguel Flores
Katherine Isbister
Designing 'True Colors': A Social Wearable that Affords Vulnerability.
Ella Dagan
The Cloakroom: Documentary Narratives in Embodied Installation.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Petr Slovák
Nikki Theofanopoulou
Alessia Cecchet
Peter Cottrell
Ferran Altarriba Bertran
Ella Dagan
Julian Childs
Katherine Isbister
"I just let him cry...: Designing Socio-Technical Interventions in Families to Prevent Mental Health Disorders.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
2 (CSCW) (2018)
Elena Márquez Segura
James Collin Fey
Ella Dagan
Samvid Niravbhai Jhaveri
Jared Pettitt
Miguel Flores
Katherine Isbister
Designing Future Social Wearables with Live Action Role Play (Larp) Designers.
Ella Dagan
Elena Márquez Segura
Miguel Flores
Katherine Isbister
'Not Too Much, Not Too Little' Wearables For Group Discussions.
CHI Extended Abstracts