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Dimo Ivanov
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2022
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Human Brain
Top Venues
Denizhan Kurban
Dimo Ivanov
Sriranga Kashyap
Laurentius Huber
Gilad Liberman
Benedikt A. Poser
Concurrent CBF and BOLD FMRI with dual-echo spiral simultaneous multi-slice acquisitions at 7T.
247 (2022)
Omer Faruk Gulban
Saskia Bollmann
Laurentius Huber
Konrad Wagstyl
Rainer Goebel
Benedikt A. Poser
Kendrick N. Kay
Dimo Ivanov
Mesoscopic in vivo human T2* dataset acquired using quantitative MRI at 7 Tesla.
264 (2022)
Roy A. M. Haast
Jonathan C. Lau
Dimo Ivanov
Ravi S. Menon
Kâmil Uludag
Ali R. Khan
reproducibility and hippocampal morphometry at 7T.
224 (2021)
Laurentius Huber
Emily S. Finn
Daniel A. Handwerker
Marlene Bönstrup
Daniel R. Glen
Sriranga Kashyap
Dimo Ivanov
Natalia Petridou
Sean Marrett
Jozien B. M. Goense
Benedikt A. Poser
Peter A. Bandettini
Sub-millimeter fMRI reveals multiple topographical digit representations that form action maps in human motor cortex.
208 (2020)
Nikos Priovoulos
Benedikt A. Poser
Dimo Ivanov
Frans R. J. Verhey
Heidi I. L. Jacobs
imaging of the nucleus of the solitary tract with Magnetization Transfer at 7 Tesla.
201 (2019)
Laurentius Huber
Desmond H. Y. Tse
Christopher J. Wiggins
Kâmil Uludag
Sriranga Kashyap
David C. Jangraw
Peter A. Bandettini
Benedikt A. Poser
Dimo Ivanov
Ultra-high resolution blood volume fMRI and BOLD fMRI in humans at 9.4 T: Capabilities and challenges.
178 (2018)
Laurentius Huber
Dimo Ivanov
Daniel A. Handwerker
Sean Marrett
Maria Guidi
Kâmil Uludag
Peter A. Bandettini
Benedikt A. Poser
Techniques for blood volume fMRI with VASO: From low-resolution mapping towards sub-millimeter layer-dependent applications.
164 (2018)
Nikos Priovoulos
Heidi I. L. Jacobs
Dimo Ivanov
Kâmil Uludag
Frans R. J. Verhey
Benedikt A. Poser
High-resolution in vivo imaging of human locus coeruleus by magnetization transfer MRI at 3T and 7T.
168 (2018)
Sriranga Kashyap
Dimo Ivanov
Martin Havlicek
Benedikt A. Poser
Kâmil Uludag
Impact of acquisition and analysis strategies on cortical depth-dependent fMRI.
168 (2018)
Dimo Ivanov
Anna Gardumi
Roy A. M. Haast
Josef Pfeuffer
Benedikt A. Poser
Kâmil Uludag
Comparison of 3 T and 7 T ASL techniques for concurrent functional perfusion and BOLD studies.
156 (2017)
Martin Havlicek
Alard Roebroeck
Karl J. Friston
Anna Gardumi
Dimo Ivanov
Kâmil Uludag
On the importance of modeling fMRI transients when estimating effective connectivity: A dynamic causal modeling study using ASL data.
155 (2017)
Martin Havlicek
Dimo Ivanov
Benedikt A. Poser
Kâmil Uludag
Echo-time dependence of the BOLD response transients - A window into brain functional physiology.
159 (2017)
Anna Gardumi
Dimo Ivanov
Lars Hausfeld
Giancarlo Valente
Elia Formisano
Kâmil Uludag
The effect of spatial resolution on decoding accuracy in fMRI multivariate pattern analysis.
132 (2016)
Laurentius Huber
Dimo Ivanov
Maria Guidi
Robert Turner
Kâmil Uludag
Harald E. Möller
Benedikt A. Poser
Functional cerebral blood volume mapping with simultaneous multi-slice acquisition.
125 (2016)
Martin Havlicek
Alard Roebroeck
Karl J. Friston
Anna Gardumi
Dimo Ivanov
Kâmil Uludag
Physiologically informed dynamic causal modeling of fMRI data.
122 (2015)
Laurentius Huber
Jozien B. M. Goense
Aneurin J. Kennerley
Robert Trampel
Maria Guidi
Enrico Reimer
Dimo Ivanov
Nicole E. Neef
Claudine Joëlle Gauthier
Robert Turner
Harald E. Möller
Cortical lamina-dependent blood volume changes in human brain at 7 T.
107 (2015)
Laurentius Huber
Jozien B. M. Goense
Aneurin J. Kennerley
Dimo Ivanov
Steffen N. Krieger
Jöran Lepsien
Robert Trampel
Robert Turner
Harald E. Möller
Investigation of the neurovascular coupling in positive and negative BOLD responses in human brain at 7 T.
97 (2014)
Steffen N. Krieger
Dimo Ivanov
Laurentius Huber
Elisabeth Roggenhofer
Bernhard Sehm
Robert Turner
Gary F. Egan
Claudine Joëlle Gauthier
Using carbogen for calibrated fMRI at 7 Tesla: Comparison of direct and modelled estimation of the M parameter.
84 (2014)
Steffen N. Krieger
Claudine Joëlle Gauthier
Dimo Ivanov
Laurentius Huber
Elisabeth Roggenhofer
Bernhard Sehm
Robert Turner
Gary F. Egan
Regional reproducibility of calibrated BOLD functional MRI: Implications for the study of cognition and plasticity.
101 (2014)
Thies H. Jochimsen
Dimo Ivanov
Derek V. M. Ott
Wolfgang Heinke
Robert Turner
Harald E. Möller
Jürgen R. Reichenbach
Whole-brain mapping of venous vessel size in humans using the hypercapnia-induced BOLD effect.
51 (2) (2010)