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Courtney Powell
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2022
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Multi Objective Optimization
Optimal Solution
Optimization Problems
Working Memory Capacity
Top Venues
GECCO (Companion)
Soft Comput.
IEEE BigData
Courtney Powell
Katsunori Miura
Masaharu Munetomo
Many-Constraint and Many-Objective optimization with Bias Index for Intercloud Multi-Workflow Resource Provisioning.
Katsunori Miura
Courtney Powell
Masaharu Munetomo
Optimal answer generation by equivalent transformation incorporating multi-objective genetic algorithm.
Soft Comput.
26 (19) (2022)
Christopher Sanchez
Lena Hildenbrand
Courtney Powell
Readers text skimming behavior changes with variation in working memory capacity.
Courtney Powell
Katsunori Miura
Masaharu Munetomo
Constrained Multi-objective Optimization Method for Practical Scientific Workflow Resource Selection.
Katsunori Miura
Courtney Powell
Masaharu Munetomo
Optimal and Feasible Cloud Resource Configurations Generation Method for Genomic Analytics Applications.
Courtney Powell
Katsunori Miura
Masaharu Munetomo
Optimal Cloud Resource Selection Method Considering Hard and Soft Constraints and Multiple Conflicting Objectives.
Courtney Powell
Katsunori Miura
Masaharu Munetomo
Towards a small diverse pareto-optimal solutions set generator for multiobjective optimization problems.
GECCO (Companion)
Phyo Thandar Thant
Courtney Powell
Martin Schlueter
Masaharu Munetomo
A Level-Wise Load Balanced Scientific Workflow Execution Optimization using NSGA-II.
Phyo Thandar Thant
Courtney Powell
Martin Schlueter
Masaharu Munetomo
Multiobjective Level-Wise Scientific Workflow Optimization in IaaS Public Cloud Environment.
Sci. Program.
2017 (2017)
Phyo Thandar Thant
Courtney Powell
Akiyoshi Sugiki
Masaharu Munetomo
Multi-objective Hadoop Configuration Optimization Using Steady-State NSGA-II.
Courtney Powell
Phyo Thandar Thant
Masaharu Munetomo
Evaluation of Three Steady-State NSGA-III Offspring Selection Schemes for Many-Objective Optimization.
Katsunori Miura
Tazro Ohta
Courtney Powell
Masaharu Munetomo
Intercloud brokerages based on PLS method for deploying infrastructures for big data analytics.
IEEE BigData
Courtney Powell
Takashi Aizawa
Masaharu Munetomo
Design of an SSO authentication infrastructure for heterogeneous inter-cloud environments.
Courtney Powell
Masaharu Munetomo
Martin Schlueter
Masataka Mizukoshi
Towards Thought Control of Next-Generation Wearable Computing Devices.
Brain and Health Informatics
Courtney Powell
Masaharu Munetomo
Attia Wahib
Takashi Aizawa
Constructing a Robust Services-Oriented Inter-cloud Portal Based on an Autonomic Model and FOSS.
Courtney Powell
Kiyoshi Akama
Toshihiro Wakatsuki
Conceptual Modelling and Program Generation for Dynamic Interactive Systems.