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Ciro Scognamiglio
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2021
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Community College
Manufacturing Companies
Computer Networking
Operations Management
Top Venues
AHFE (19)
EAI Endorsed Trans. Ubiquitous Environ.
Ciro Scognamiglio
Rosario Borrelli
Assunta Capece
Francesco Caputo
Stefania Franchitti
Mario Buono
Additive Manufacturing Re-designs the Industry.
AHFE (19)
Loïc Baron
Radomir Klacza
Pauline Gaudet-Chardonnet
Amira Bradai
Ciro Scognamiglio
Serge Fdida
Next generation portal for federated testbeds MySlice v2: from prototype to production.
Loïc Baron
Ciro Scognamiglio
Mohammed Yasin Rahman
Radomir Klacza
Danilo Cicalese
Nina Kurose
Timur Friedman
Serge Fdida
OneLab: Major computer networking testbeds open to the IEEE INFOCOM community.
INFOCOM Workshops
Loïc Baron
Fadwa Boubekeur
Radomir Klacza
Mohammed Yasin Rahman
Ciro Scognamiglio
Nina Kurose
Timur Friedman
Serge Fdida
Demo: OneLab: Major Computer Networking Testbeds for IoT and Wireless Experimentation.
Loïc Baron
Radomir Klacza
Mohammed Yasin Rahman
Ciro Scognamiglio
Nina Kurose
Timur Friedman
Serge Fdida
OneLab Tutorial: A Single Portal to Heterogeneous Testbeds.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Ubiquitous Environ.
2 (6) (2015)
Alexander Willner
Stephan Albrecht
Stefan Covaci
Florian Schreiner
Thomas Magedanz
Susanna Avessta
Ciro Scognamiglio
Serge Fdida
Udo Bub
FanTaaStic: Sustainable management of Future Internet testbed federations.
Andrea Splendiani
Michaela Gündel
Jonathan M. Austyn
Duccio Cavalieri
Ciro Scognamiglio
Marco Brandizi
Knowledge sharing and collaboration in translational research, and the DC-THERA Directory.
Briefings Bioinform.
12 (6) (2011)
Marco Brandizi
Michaela Gündel
Ciro Scognamiglio
Andrea Splendiani
DC-THERA Directory, a Knowledge Management System for the support of the European Dendritic Cell Immunology Community.
Michaela Gündel
Ciro Scognamiglio
Marco Brandizi
Andrea Splendiani
The DC-THERA Directory: A Knowledge Management System to Support Collaboration on Dendritic Cell and Immunology Research.