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Caio Corro
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 26
Top Topics
Dependency Parsing
Top Venues
ACL (1)
Manuel Faysse
Patrick Fernandes
Nuno M. Guerreiro
António Loison
Duarte M. Alves
Caio Corro
Nicolas Boizard
João Alves
Ricardo Rei
Pedro Henrique Martins
Antoni Bigata Casademunt
François Yvon
André F. T. Martins
Gautier Viaud
Céline Hudelot
Pierre Colombo
CroissantLLM: A Truly Bilingual French-English Language Model.
Santiago Herrera
Caio Corro
Sylvain Kahane
Sparse Logistic Regression with High-order Features for Automatic Grammar Rule Extraction from Treebanks.
Santiago Herrera
Caio Corro
Sylvain Kahane
Sparse Logistic Regression with High-order Features for Automatic Grammar Rule Extraction from Treebanks.
Pierre Colombo
Telmo Pessoa Pires
Malik Boudiaf
Dominic Culver
Rui Melo
Caio Corro
André F. T. Martins
Fabrizio Esposito
Vera Lúcia Raposo
Sofia Morgado
Michael Desa
SaulLM-7B: A pioneering Large Language Model for Law.
Alban Petit
Caio Corro
On graph-based reentrancy-free semantic parsing.
Caio Corro
On the inconsistency of separable losses for structured prediction.
Alban Petit
Caio Corro
On Graph-based Reentrancy-free Semantic Parsing.
Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics
11 (2023)
Alban Petit
Caio Corro
François Yvon
Structural generalization in COGS: Supertagging is (almost) all you need.
Alban Petit
Caio Corro
François Yvon
Structural generalization in COGS: Supertagging is (almost) all you need.
Caio Corro
A dynamic programming algorithm for span-based nested named-entity recognition in O(n²).
ACL (1)
Caio Corro
On the inconsistency of separable losses for structured prediction.
Alban Petit
Caio Corro
Un algorithme d'analyse sémantique fondée sur les graphes via le problème de l'arborescence généralisée couvrante (A graph-based semantic parsing algorithm via the generalized spanning arborescence problem).
Caio Corro
A dynamic programming algorithm for span-based nested named-entity recognition in O(n^2).
Nicolas Devatine
Caio Corro
François Yvon
Ré-ordonnancement via programmation dynamique pour l'adaptation cross-lingue d'un analyseur en dépendances (Sentence reordering via dynamic programming for cross-lingual dependency parsing ).
Alban Petit
Caio Corro
Auto-encodeurs variationnels : contrecarrer le problème de posterior collapse grâce à la régularisation du décodeur (Variational auto-encoders : prevent posterior collapse via decoder regularization).
TALN (1)
Alban Petit
Caio Corro
Preventing posterior collapse in variational autoencoders for text generation via decoder regularization.
Caio Corro
Sur l'impact des contraintes structurelles pour l'analyse en dépendances profondes fondée sur les graphes (On the impact of structural constraints for graph-based deep dependency parsing).
Caio Corro
Span-based discontinuous constituency parsing: a family of exact chart-based algorithms with time complexities from O(n^6) down to O(n^3).
Caio Corro
Span-based discontinuous constituency parsing: a family of exact chart-based algorithms with time complexities from O(n\^6) down to O(n\^3).
Caio Corro
Ivan Titov
Differentiable Perturb-and-Parse: Semi-Supervised Parsing with a Structured Variational Autoencoder.
ICLR (Poster)
Caio Corro
Ivan Titov
Learning Latent Trees with Stochastic Perturbations and Differentiable Dynamic Programming.
ACL (1)
Caio Corro
Ivan Titov
Learning Latent Trees with Stochastic Perturbations and Differentiable Dynamic Programming.
Caio Corro
Ivan Titov
Differentiable Perturb-and-Parse: Semi-Supervised Parsing with a Structured Variational Autoencoder.
Caio Corro
Joseph Le Roux
Transforming Dependency Structures to LTAG Derivation Trees.
Caio Corro
Joseph Le Roux
Mathieu Lacroix
Efficient Discontinuous Phrase-Structure Parsing via the Generalized Maximum Spanning Arborescence.
Caio Corro
Joseph Le Roux
Mathieu Lacroix
Antoine Rozenknop
Roberto Wolfler Calvo
Dependency Parsing with Bounded Block Degree and Well-nestedness via Lagrangian Relaxation and Branch-and-Bound.
ACL (1)