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Bokyung Lee
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2021
Publications (10 Years): 17
Top Topics
Virtual Humans
Cross View
Annotation Tool
Arbitrarily Shaped
Top Venues
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct
Bokyung Lee
Michael Lee
Jacobo Bibliowicz
Rhys Goldstein
Jeremy P. M. Mogk
Alexander Tessier
Simulation and Visualization of Virus Transmission for Architectural Design Analysis.
Bokyung Lee
Michael Lee
Jeremy P. M. Mogk
Rhys Goldstein
Jacobo Bibliowicz
Alexander Tessier
Designing a Multi-Agent Occupant Simulation System to Support Facility Planning and Analysis for COVID-19.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Bokyung Lee
Michael Lee
Pan Zhang
Alexander Tessier
Daniel Saakes
Azam Khan
Socio-Spatial Comfort: Using Vision-based Analysis to Inform User-Centred Human-Building Interactions.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
4 (CSCW3) (2020)
Pan Zhang
Wilfredo Torres Calderon
Bokyung Lee
Alex Tessier
Jacky Bibliowicz
Liviu-Mihai Calin
Michael Lee
Contact Area Detector using Cross View Projection Consistency for COVID-19 Projects.
Jaeho Sung
Bokyung Lee
Daniel Saakes
PoseScape: Pose-based Analysis System for Long-term Observation Studies.
Bokyung Lee
Sindy Wu
Maria Jose Reyes
Daniel Saakes
The Effects of Interruption Timings on Autonomous Height-Adjustable Desks that Respond to Task Changes.
Alexander Tessier
Simon Breslav
Kean Walmsley
Michael Lee
Hali Larsen
Jacky Bibliowicz
Pan Zhang
Liviu-Mihai Calin
Bokyung Lee
Josh Cameron
Rhys Goldstein
Azam Khan
Occupancy Visualization towards Activity Recognition.
Bokyung Lee
Michael Lee
Pan Zhang
Alexander Tessier
Daniel Saakes
Azam Khan
Skeletonographer: Skeleton-based Digital Ethnography Tool.
CSCW Companion
Bokyung Lee
Taeil Jin
Sung-Hee Lee
Daniel Saakes
SmartManikin: Virtual Humans with Agency for Design Tools.
Bokyung Lee
Michael Lee
Pan Zhang
Alexander Tessier
Azam Khan
An Empirical Study of How Socio-Spatial Formations are Influenced by Interior Elements and Displays in an Office Context.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
3 (CSCW) (2019)
Bokyung Lee
Michael Lee
Pan Zhang
Alexander Tessier
Azam Khan
Semantic human activity annotation tool using skeletonized surveillance videos.
UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct
Bokyung Lee
Joon Gi Shin
Hyoshin Bae
Daniel Saakes
Interactive and Situated Guidelines to Help Users Design a Personal Desk that Fits Their Bodies.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Bokyung Lee
Jiwoo Hong
Jaeheung Surh
Daniel Saakes
Ori-mandu: Korean Dumpling into Whatever Shape You Want.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Bokyung Lee
Jiwoo Hong
Jaeheung Surh
Daniel Saakes
Ori-mandu: Korean Dumpling into Whatever Shape You Want.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Bokyung Lee
Gyeol Han
Jundong Park
Daniel Saakes
Consumer to Creator: How Households Buy Furniture to Inform Design and Fabrication Interfaces.
Foong-Yi Chia
Bokyung Lee
Daniel Saakes
Collaboration in the Living Room or How Couples Design Together.
Bokyung Lee
Minjoo Cho
Joonhee Min
Daniel Saakes
Posing and Acting as Input for Personalizing Furniture.
Hyung Sup Felix
Bokyung Lee
Daniel Pieter Saakes
TagRadar: locating objects using a smart phone accessory.
UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct