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Bo-Mi Lim
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2024
Publications (10 Years): 48
Top Topics
Experimental Verification
Service Platform
Physical Layer
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
Sungjun Ahn
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sungho Jeon
Xianbin Wang
Sung-Ik Park
Diversity Receiver for ATSC 3.0-in-Vehicle: Design and Field Evaluation in Metropolitan SFN.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
70 (2) (2024)
Bo-Mi Lim
Hoiyoon Jung
Haechan Kwon
Sung-Ik Park
Sungjun Ahn
Namho Hur
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Jointly Combined LDM and MIMO System Based on ATSC 3.0.
Hyun-Jeong Yim
Bo-Mi Lim
Hoiyoon Jung
Sung-Ik Park
Service Usage Reporting System for Optimal Transmission of Broadcast Services in 5G-Broadcast Converged Networks.
Hoiyoon Jung
Sung-Ik Park
Bo-Mi Lim
Haechan Kwon
Namho Hur
Sungho Jeon
Hyeongseok Kim
Jeongchang Kim
Core-Layer Performance Comparison of ATSC 3.0 LDM-MIMO System in Mobile Environment.
Bo-Mi Lim
Seok-Ki Ahn
Sungjun Ahn
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sung Ik Park
Performance Evaluation of ATSC 3.0 Preamble for TxID Signal-Injected Use Cases.
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sungjun Ahn
Sung-Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Jeongchang Kim
Field Evaluation of Transmit Diversity Code Filter Sets in ATSC 3.0 Single Frequency Networks.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
68 (1) (2022)
Haechan Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Hoiyoon Jung
Namho Hur
Sung-Ik Park
Laboratory tests for ATSC 3.0-centric combination of cross-polarized MIMO and LDM with varying XPDs.
Hoiyoon Jung
Sung-Ik Park
Bo-Mi Lim
Haechan Kwon
Namho Hur
Sungho Jeon
Hyeongseok Kim
Jeongchang Kim
Impact of Cross-Polarization Discrimination for ATSC 3.0 MIMO System.
Hoiyoon Jung
Sung-Ik Park
Bo-Mi Lim
Haechan Kwon
Namho Hur
Sungho Jeon
Hyeongseok Kim
Jeongchang Kim
Feasibility Verification of ATSC 3.0 MIMO System for 8K-UHD Terrestrial Broadcasting.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
67 (4) (2021)
Haechan Kwon
Sungjun Ahn
Bo-Mi Lim
Sung-Ik Park
Transmitter Carrier Offset in ATSC 3.0 Systems: Laboratory Test Results over Multipath Fading Channels.
Hyun-Jeong Yim
Bo-Mi Lim
Bongho Lee
Namho Hur
Sung Ik Park
8K-UHD service platform using SHVC for ATSC 3.0-based terrestrial broadcasting.
Sung-Ik Park
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungho Jeon
Sungjun Ahn
ATSC 3.0 Multi-Antenna Receiver's Mobile Performance in Seoul and the Metropolitan Area.
Hyun-Jeong Yim
Soonchoul Kim
Bo-Mi Lim
Sung-Ik Park
Namho Hur
Application-Based Targeted Advertisement System for ATSC 3.0 UHD Service.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
67 (1) (2021)
Sungjun Ahn
Sung-Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Namho Hur
Yiyan Wu
Liang Zhang
Wei Li
Jeongchang Kim
Mobile Performance Evaluation for ATSC 3.0 Physical Layer Modulation and Code Combinations Under TU-6 Channel.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
66 (4) (2020)
Sung-Ik Park
Bo-Mi Lim
Hae-Chan Kwon
Sungjun Ahn
Mobile Performance of Diversity Receiver in ATSC 3.0 System.
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Sunhyoung Kwon
Jae Young Lee
Sung Ik Park
ATSC 3.0 Field Trial Under 3-Tx SFN Environments.
Haechan Kwon
Sung-Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Experimental Verification of Transmitter Carrier Offset Scheme for ATSC 3.0 System.
Sungjun Ahn
Sung-Ik Park
Jae Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Namho Hur
Jeongchang Kim
Mobile Performance Enhancement via Tracking Inter-Carrier Interference Power for ATSC 3.0 Receivers.
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sung-Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Joonhyuk Kang
Detection Schemes for ATSC 3.0 Transmitter Identification in Single Frequency Network.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
66 (2) (2020)
Hyun-Jeong Yim
Bo-Mi Lim
Soonchoul Kim
Sung Ik Park
Namho Hur
Device communication technology between various terminals for delivering ATSC 3.0 service.
Jae-Young Lee
Sung-Ik Park
Hyun-Jeong Yim
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sungjun Ahn
Namho Hur
IP-Based Cooperative Services Using ATSC 3.0 Broadcast and Broadband.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
66 (2) (2020)
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sung Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Heung Mook Kim
Joonhyuk Kang
Detection Performance of ATSC 3.0 TxID in Multiple-Transmitter Environments.
Jae-Young Lee
Sung-Ik Park
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Namho Hur
Heung Mook Kim
Jeongchang Kim
Layered Division Multiplexing for ATSC 3.0: Implementation and Memory Use Aspects.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
65 (3) (2019)
Jae-Young Lee
Sung Ik Park
Hyun-Jeong Yim
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sungjun Ahn
Namho Hur
Heung Mook Kim
ATSC 3.0 and LTE Cooperation for LDM and SHVC Based Mobile Broadcasting.
Sungho Jeon
Sung-Ik Park
Younseok Choi
Yoo-Sang Shin
Jin Sol Nam
Jaekwon Lee
Jahoon Ku
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Jae-Young Lee
Methodology for Analyzing ATSC 3.0 Single Frequency Network Overlapped Area Based on Spatial Interpolation.
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sungjun Ahn
Sung Ik Park
Jae Young Lee
Namho Hur
Heung Mook Kim
Jeongchang Kim
Mobile Testing of ATSC 3.0 MISO in SFN.
Sung-Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Heung Mook Kim
Sungho Jeon
Jaekwon Lee
Michael Simon
Mark Aitken
Kevin Gage
Yiyan Wu
Liang Zhang
Wei Li
Jeongchang Kim
Performance Analysis of All Modulation and Code Combinations in ATSC 3.0 Physical Layer Protocol.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
65 (2) (2019)
Seok-Ki Ahn
Sung-Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Jeongchang Kim
Performance Evaluation of Additional Parity for L1 Signaling in ATSC 3.0.
Sungjun Ahn
Sung-Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Jeongchang Kim
Cramer-Rao Bound Analysis on RF-Watermark TxID Detection in SFN with Randomly Distributed Co-channel Interferers.
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sungjun Ahn
Sung Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Namho Hur
Heung Mook Kim
Jeongchang Kim
Laboratory Test Analysis of TxID Impact into ATSC 3.0 Preamble.
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sung Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Joonhyuk Kang
Detection Performance of Transmitter Identification for ATSC 3.0.
Sung Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Jae-Hyun Seo
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Jeongchang Kim
Field Comparison Tests of LDM and TDM in ATSC 3.0.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
64 (3) (2018)
Jae-Young Lee
Sung Ik Park
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Namho Hur
Heung Mook Kim
Sungho Jeon
David Gomez-Barquero
Field Testing of LDM and SHVC Broadcast in ATSC 3.0.
Sungjun Ahn
Sung-Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Yiyan Wu
Liang Zhang
Wei Li
Hyeongseok Kim
Jeongchang Kim
Performance Evaluation of ATSC 3.0 Mobile Service with LDM/TDM Under TU-6 Channel.
Jae-Young Lee
Sung Ik Park
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Anthony Pesin
Jean-Claude Chevet
Joan Llach
Alan Stein
Sungho Jeon
Yiyan Wu
Efficient Transmission of Multiple Broadcasting Services Using LDM and SHVC.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
64 (2) (2018)
Sung-Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Heung Mook Kim
Sungho Jeon
Jaekwon Lee
Michael Simon
Mark Aitken
Kevin Gage
Yiyan Wu
Liang Zhang
Wei Li
Jeongchang Kim
ATSC 3.0 Physical Layer Modulation and Coding Performance Analysis.
Sungho Jeon
Jaekwon Lee
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Sungjun Ahn
Yoo-Sang Shin
Jae-Young Lee
Sung Ik Park
Field Trial Results for ATSC 3.0 TxID Transmission and Detection in Single Frequency Network of Seoul.
Sung Ik Park
Wei Li
Jae-Young Lee
Yiyan Wu
Xianbin Wang
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Liang Zhang
Jeongchang Kim
ATSC 3.0 Transmitter Identification Signals and Applications.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
63 (1) (2017)
Sung Ik Park
Wei Li
Jae-Young Lee
Yiyan Wu
Xianbin Wang
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Liang Zhang
Jeongchang Kim
Transmitter identification for ATSC 3.0 single frequency network.
Jae-Young Lee
Sung Ik Park
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Anthony Pesin
Jean-Claude Chevet
Joan Llach
Alan Stein
Sungho Jeon
Yiyan Wu
Scalable HEVC over layered division multiplexing for the next generation terrestrial broadcasting.
Sunhyoung Kwon
Sung Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Joonhyuk Kang
ATSC 3.0 LDM/TDM performance comparison in fixed reception environment.
Bo-Mi Lim
Sung Ik Park
Jae Young Lee
Sunhyoung Kwon
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Yiyan Wu
Jeongchang Kim
Mobile field comparison test of LDM and TDM based on ATSC 3.0.
Jae-Young Lee
Sung Ik Park
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Jon Montalban
Pablo Angueira
Liang Zhang
Wei Li
Yiyan Wu
Jeongchang Kim
Multiple Service Configurations Based on Layered Division Multiplexing.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
63 (1) (2017)
Sung Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Bo-Mi Lim
Youngmin Kim
Sunhyoung Kwon
Heung Mook Kim
Jeongchang Kim
Field Test Results of Layered Division Multiplexing for the Next Generation DTV System.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
63 (1) (2017)
Jae-Young Lee
Sung Ik Park
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Heung Mook Kim
Yiyan Wu
Liang Zhang
Wei Li
Jon Montalban
Pablo Angueira
Performance evaluation of multiple-PLP based LDM systems for the next generation terrestrial broadcasting.
Sung Ik Park
Bo-Mi Lim
Youngmin Kim
Heung Mook Kim
Sung Ho Lee
Woo-Sik Choi
Dongkwan Lee
Sang Kyu Lee
Yong Woo Shin
ATSC 3.0 LDM-based mobile performance under HPHT metropolitan environment.
Bo-Mi Lim
Sung Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Sunhyoung Kwon
Heung Mook Kim
Jeongchang Kim
Performance evaluation of frequency interleaver in ATSC 3.0.
Sung Ik Park
Jae-Young Lee
Seho Myoung
Liang Zhang
Yiyan Wu
Jon Montalban
Sunhyoung Kwon
Bo-Mi Lim
Pablo Angueira
Heung Mook Kim
Namho Hur
Jeongchang Kim
Low Complexity Layered Division Multiplexing for ATSC 3.0.
IEEE Trans. Broadcast.
62 (1) (2016)
Myung-Sun Baek
So Ra Park
Yonghoon Lee
Geon Kim
Bo-Mi Lim
Yoon-Jeong Song
Chae-Hun Im
Yong-Tae Lee
DRM+ performance measurement in laboratory test environment.
Myung-Sun Baek
Yonghoon Lee
So Ra Park
Geon Kim
Bo-Mi Lim
Yun-Jeong Song
Yong-Tae Lee
Performance Evaluation of DAB, DAB+ and T-DMB Audio: Field Trial.
FGIT-MulGraB (2)