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Bernhard Hoisl
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2017
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Design Decisions
Modeling Language
Language Model
Document Length
Top Venues
Inf. Softw. Technol.
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Mark Strembeck
Reusable and generic design decisions for developing UML-based domain-specific languages.
Inf. Softw. Technol.
92 (2017)
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Open-Source Development Tools for Domain-Specific Modeling: Results from a Systematic Literature Review.
Damiano Torre
Yvan Labiche
Marcela Genero
Maged Elaasar
Tuhin Kanti Das
Bernhard Hoisl
Matthias Kowal
1st International Workshop on UML Consistency Rules (WUCOR 2015): Post workshop report.
ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes
41 (2) (2016)
Stefan Sobernig
Bernhard Hoisl
Mark Strembeck
Extracting reusable design decisions for UML-based domain-specific languages: A multi-method study.
J. Syst. Softw.
113 (2016)
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Towards Benchmarking Evolution Support in Model-to-Text Transformation Systems.
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Consistency Rules for UML-based Domain-specific Language Models: A Literature Review.
Bernhard Hoisl
Zhenjiang Hu
Soichiro Hidaka
Towards Bidirectional Higher-Order Transformation for Model-Driven Co-evolution.
MODELSWARD (Revised Selected Papers)
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Mark Strembeck
Comparing Three Notations for Defining Scenario-Based Model Tests: A Controlled Experiment.
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Mark Strembeck
Modeling and enforcing secure object flows in process-driven SOAs: an integrated model-driven approach.
Softw. Syst. Model.
13 (2) (2014)
Bernhard Hoisl
Zhenjiang Hu
Soichiro Hidaka
Towards Co-evolution in Model-Driven Development Via Bidirectional Higher-Order Transformation.
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Mark Strembeck
Natural-language Scenario Descriptions for Testing Core Language Models of Domain-Specific Languages.
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Mark Strembeck
Comparing Three Notations for Defining Scenario-based Model Tests: A Controlled Experiment.
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Mark Strembeck
Higher-order Rewriting of Model-to-Text Templates for Integrating Domain-specific Modeling Languages.
Stefan Sobernig
Bernhard Hoisl
Mark Strembeck
Requirements-Driven Testing of Domain-Specific Core Language Models Using Scenarios.
Bernhard Hoisl
Mark Strembeck
A UML Extension for the Model-Driven Specification of Audit Rules.
CAiSE Workshops
Bernhard Hoisl
Stefan Sobernig
Integrity and Confidentiality Annotations for Service Interfaces in SoaML Models.
Bernhard Hoisl
A Mash-up Architecture for Learning Environments and Knowledge Management Systems.
Bernhard Hoisl
Mark Strembeck
Modeling Support for Confidentiality and Integrity of Object Flows in Activity Models.
Bernhard Hoisl
Wolfgang Aigner
Silvia Miksch
Social Rewarding in Wiki Systems - Motivating the Community.
HCI (15)