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Arka Ghosh
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2023
Publications (10 Years): 17
Top Topics
Differentially Private
Genetic Algorithm
Differential Evolution
Ensemble Classifier
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Cybern.
Arka Ghosh
Mantas Simkus
Diego Calvanese
Semantic Querying of Integrated Raster and Relational Data: A Virtual Knowledge Graph Approach.
RuleML+RR (Companion)
Ayush K. Varshney
Sonakshi Garg
Arka Ghosh
Sargam Gupta
Fair Differentially Private Federated Learning Framework.
Arka Ghosh
Piotr Hofman
Slawomir Lasota
Solvability of orbit-finite systems of linear equations.
Arka Ghosh
Swagatam Das
Asit Kumar Das
Roman Senkerik
Adam Viktorin
Ivan Zelinka
Antonio David Masegosa
Using spatial neighborhoods for parameter adaptation: An improved success history based differential evolution.
Swarm Evol. Comput.
71 (2022)
Arka Ghosh
Sankha Subhra Mullick
Shounak Datta
Swagatam Das
Asit Kr. Das
Rammohan Mallipeddi
A black-box adversarial attack strategy with adjustable sparsity and generalizability for deep image classifiers.
Pattern Recognit.
122 (2022)
Arka Ghosh
Bing Xue
Mengjie Zhang
Binary Differential Evolution based Feature Selection Method with Mutual Information for Imbalanced Classification Problems.
Asit Kumar Das
Soumen Kumar Pati
Arka Ghosh
Relevant feature selection and ensemble classifier design using bi-objective genetic algorithm.
Knowl. Inf. Syst.
62 (2) (2020)
Arka Ghosh
Swagatam Das
Asit Kumar Das
Liang Gao
Reusing the Past Difference Vectors in Differential Evolution - A Simple But Significant Improvement.
IEEE Trans. Cybern.
50 (11) (2020)
Arka Ghosh
Sankha Subhra Mullick
Shounak Datta
Swagatam Das
Rammohan Mallipeddi
Asit Kumar Das
One Sparse Perturbation to Fool them All, almost Always!
Arka Ghosh
Swagatam Das
Asit Kumar Das
A simple two-phase differential evolution for improved global numerical optimization.
Soft Comput.
24 (8) (2020)
Arka Ghosh
Manu Mehta
Soubhik Biswas
Study of Aerosol Distribution over the Potential Sink Region During Central Portugal Forest Fire Event.
Arka Ghosh
Rammohan Mallipeddi
Swagatam Das
Asit Kumar Das
A Switched Parameter Differential Evolution with Multi-donor Mutation and Annealing Based Local Search for Optimization of Lennard-Jones Atomic Clusters.
Arka Ghosh
Swagatam Das
Sankha Subhra Mullick
Rammohan Mallipeddi
Asit Kumar Das
A switched parameter differential evolution with optional blending crossover for scalable numerical optimization.
Appl. Soft Comput.
57 (2017)
Asit Kumar Das
Sunanda Das
Arka Ghosh
Ensemble feature selection using bi-objective genetic algorithm.
Knowl. Based Syst.
123 (2017)
Arka Ghosh
Swagatam Das
Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi
Asit Kumar Das
A noise resilient Differential Evolution with improved parameter and strategy control.
Arka Ghosh
Swagatam Das
Rammohan Mallipeddi
Asit Kumar Das
Subhransu Sekhar Dash
A Modified Differential Evolution With Distance-based Selection for Continuous Optimization in Presence of Noise.
IEEE Access
5 (2017)
Arka Ghosh
Keguo Huang
service times under many-server heavy traffic.
Queueing Syst. Theory Appl.
86 (1-2) (2017)
Swagatam Das
Arka Ghosh
Sankha Subhra Mullick
A Switched Parameter Differential Evolution for Large Scale Global Optimization - Simpler May Be Better.
Sunanda Das
Arka Ghosh
Asit Kumar Das
A Neighbourhood Based Hybrid Genetic Search Model for Feature Selection.
Soumen Kumar Pati
Asit Kumar Das
Arka Ghosh
Gene Selection Using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm Integrating Cellular Automata and Rough Set Theory.
Mriganka Chakraborty
Arka Ghosh
Hybrid Optimized Back propagation Learning Algorithm For Multi-layer Perceptron
Arka Ghosh
Comparative study of Financial Time Series Prediction by Artificial Neural Network with Gradient Descent Learning
Robert T. Buche
Arka Ghosh
Vladas Pipiras
Heavy traffic limits in a wireless queueing model with long range dependence.