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Anupriya Khan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2024
Publications (10 Years): 16
Top Topics
Social Media
Service Systems
Government Services
Electronic Government
Top Venues
Int. J. Inf. Manag.
TDIT (2)
Jithesh Arayankalam
Prakriti Soral
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
Indranil Bose
Does centralization of online content regulation affect political hate speech in a country? A public choice perspective.
Inf. Manag.
61 (2) (2024)
Anupriya Khan
Does Citizen-Government Fit Matter? An Exploration in the Context of Online Civic Engagement.
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
Jithesh Arayankalam
The Role of ICT Laws and National Culture in Determining ICT Diffusion and Well-Being: A Cross-Country Examination.
Inf. Syst. Frontiers
24 (2) (2022)
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
Ethical Behavior of Firms and B2C E-commerce Diffusion: Exploring the Mediating Roles of Customer Orientation and Innovation Capacity.
Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst.
50 (2022)
Anupriya Khan
E-Government and Well-Being: A Cross-Country Study.
TDIT (1)
Kanti Desiraju
Anupriya Khan
Enhancing Customer Support Services in Banking Using Generative AI.
TDIT (2)
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
Moderating effects of business-systems corruption on corruption in basic national institutions and electronic government maturity: Insights from a dynamic panel data analysis.
Int. J. Inf. Manag.
59 (2021)
Jithesh Arayankalam
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
How to deal with corruption? Examining the roles of e-government maturity, government administrative effectiveness, and virtual social networks diffusion.
Int. J. Inf. Manag.
58 (2021)
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
Citizen engagement in co-creation of e-government services: a process theory view from a meta-synthesis approach.
Internet Res.
31 (4) (2021)
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
ICT Laws, Uncertainty Avoidance, and ICT Diffusion: Insights from Cross-Country Data.
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
Conceptualizing the impact of corruption in national institutions and national stakeholder service systems on e-government maturity.
Int. J. Inf. Manag.
46 (2019)
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
A. K. M. Najmul Islam
Governments' Perspective on Engaging Citizens in the Co-creation of E-Government Services: A Meta-synthesis of Qualitative Case Studies.
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
Corruption in National Institutions and E-Government Maturity: Insights from Cross-Country Data.
Satish Krishnan
Anupriya Khan
Theorizing the Relationship of Corruption in National Institutions with E-Government Maturity.
Anupriya Khan
Satish Krishnan
Content Creators' Psychological Capital, Satisfaction, and Deep Usage of Social Media.
Anupriya Khan
Monalisa Mahapatra
The Impact of Social Media as Technostress Inhibitor on Employee Productivity.