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Anne M. Agur
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2022
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Computer Assisted Surgery
Inter Subject Variability
Minimally Invasive
Surgical Planning
Top Venues
Comput. methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. Imaging Vis.
Drew Anderson
Mackenzie J. Miller
Anne M. Agur
Michele L. Oliver
Karen D. Gordon
Inter- and intra-rater reliability of carpal tunnel volume measurement.
Comput. methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. Imaging Vis.
10 (2) (2022)
C. Antonio Sánchez
Zhi Li
Alan G. Hannam
Purang Abolmaesumi
Anne M. Agur
Sidney S. Fels
Constructing Detailed Subject-Specific Models of the Human Masseter.
Zhi Li
Jeremy P. M. Mogk
Dongwoon Lee
Jacobo Bibliowicz
Anne M. Agur
Development of an architecturally comprehensive database of forearm flexors and extensors from a single cadaveric specimen.
Comput. methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. Imaging Vis.
3 (1) (2015)
Regina Leung
Reinhard Zeller
Kevin Walker
Kevin Krauel
Alex Mihailidis
Anne M. Agur
Heather Carnahan
David Wang
Karl Zabjek
Towards the Development of a Haptic Simulator of Surgical Gestures in Orthopaedic Spine Surgery.
Christian Holz
Tovi Grossman
George W. Fitzmaurice
Anne M. Agur
Implanted user interfaces.
Kajeandra Ravichandiran
Mayoorendra Ravichandiran
Michele L. Oliver
Karan Singh
Nancy H. McKee
Anne M. Agur
Determining physiological cross-sectional area of extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis as a whole and by regions using 3D computer muscle models created from digitized fiber bundle data.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
95 (3) (2009)
Florence T. H. Wu
Victor Ng-Thow-Hing
Karan Singh
Anne M. Agur
Nancy H. McKee
Computational representation of the aponeuroses as NURBS surfaces in 3D musculoskeletal models.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
88 (2) (2007)