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Anis Allagui
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2024
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
Mathematical Formalism
Affine Invariance
Power Spectra
Spectral Analysis
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl.
IEEE Access
Anis Allagui
Ahmed S. Elwakil
On the Theory and Application of the Fractional-Order Dirac-Delta Function.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
71 (3) (2024)
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Anis Allagui
Ahmed Ibrahim El-Mesady
Amr Elsonbaty
Sohaib Majzoub
Brent J. Maundy
Chaos in Inter-State-Controlled RLC Networks.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
71 (1) (2024)
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Anis Allagui
Costas Psychalinos
Brent J. Maundy
A New Class of Nonlinear Resonance Networks Modeled by Levinson-Smith and LiƩnard Equations.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
70 (9) (2023)
Mary Ann George
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Anis Allagui
Costas Psychalinos
Design of Complex-Order PI/PID Speed Controllers and its FPAA Realization.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Anis Allagui
Di Zhang
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Further Experimental Evidence of the Dead Matter Has Memory Conjecture in Capacitive Devices.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
70 (8) (2023)
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Costas Psychalinos
Brent Maundy
Anis Allagui
On the possible realization of a complex-order capacitive impedance and its applications.
Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl.
51 (1) (2023)
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Costas Psychalinos
Brent J. Maundy
Anis Allagui
Observation of a Pinched-Loop in a Current-Excited Inductive Circuit.
Anis Allagui
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Chunlei Wang
Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Mappings of Voltage-to-Charge and Charge-to-Voltage in Capacitive Devices.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
70 (2) (2023)
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Brent Maundy
Anis Allagui
A Note on the Analysis of Two-Coil Wireless Power Transfer Systems.
Circuits Syst. Signal Process.
42 (3) (2023)
Amr Elsonbaty
Anis Allagui
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Extended Instantaneous Spectral Analysis (E-ISA) for Advanced Signal Processing.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.
71 (2022)
Abdulwadood A. Al-Ali
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Brent J. Maundy
Anis Allagui
Mohamed B. Elamien
Estimating phase error using a Hilbert transform-based time-domain technique.
Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl.
50 (1) (2022)
Sohaib Majzoub
Anis Allagui
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Time-Frequency Design of a Multi-Sine Excitation With Random Phase and Controllable Amplitude for (Bio) Impedance Measurements.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Anis Allagui
Costas Psychalinos
On The Equivalent Impedance of Two-Impedance Self-Similar Ladder Networks.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
68 (7) (2021)
Mohammed E. Fouda
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Anis Allagui
Commercial supercapacitor parameter estimation from step voltage excitation.
Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl.
47 (10) (2019)
Todd J. Freeborn
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Anis Allagui
Supercapacitor Fractional-Order Model Discharging from Polynomial Time-Varying Currents.
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Ahmed G. Radwan
Todd J. Freeborn
Anis Allagui
Brent J. Maundy
Mohamed E. Fouda
Low-voltage commercial super-capacitor response to periodic linear-with-time current excitation: a case study.
IET Circuits Devices Syst.
11 (3) (2017)
Todd J. Freeborn
Anis Allagui
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Modelling supercapacitors leakage behaviour using a fractional-order model.
Costas Psychalinos
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Brent Maundy
Anis Allagui
Analysis and realization of a switched fractional-order-capacitor integrator.
Int. J. Circuit Theory Appl.
44 (11) (2016)
Brent J. Maundy
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Todd J. Freeborn
Anis Allagui
Improved method to determine supercapacitor metrics from highpass filter response.
Brent J. Maundy
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Todd J. Freeborn
Anis Allagui
Determination of supercapacitor metrics using a magnitude-only method.
Brent J. Maundy
Ahmed S. Elwakil
Anis Allagui
Extracting the parameters of the single-dispersion Cole bioimpedance model using a magnitude-only method.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
119 (2015)
Wadie Nasri
Lanouar Charfeddine
Anis Allagui
Expanding the Technology Acceptance Model to Examine Internet Banking Adoption in Tunisia Country.
Int. J. Innov. Digit. Econ.
4 (4) (2013)