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Amin Norollah
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2022
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Digital Signal Processor
Vlsi Architecture
Computing Devices
Fault Injection
Top Venues
Zahra Kazemi
Amin Norollah
Mahdi Fazeli
David Hély
Vincent Beroulle
An Offline Hardware Security Assessment Approach using Symbol Assertion and Code Shredding.
Amin Norollah
Zahra Kazemi
Hakem Beitollahi
David Hély
Hardware Support for Efficient and Low-Power Data Sorting in Massive Data Application: The 3-D Sorting Method.
IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag.
11 (3) (2022)
Amin Norollah
Hakem Beitollahi
Zahra Kazemi
Mahdi Fazeli
A security-aware hardware scheduler for modern multi-core systems with hard real-time constraints.
Microprocess. Microsystems
95 (2022)
Amin Norollah
Zahra Kazemi
Niloufar Sayadi
Hakem Beitollahi
Mahdi Fazeli
David Hély
Efficient Scheduling of Dependent Tasks in Many-Core Real-Time System Using a Hardware Scheduler.
Zahra Kazemi
Amin Norollah
Afef Kchaou
Mahdi Fazeli
David Hély
Vincent Beroulle
An In-Depth Vulnerability Analysis of RISC-V Micro-Architecture Against Fault Injection Attack.
Mohammad Taherifard
Hakem Beitollahi
Fateme Jamali
Amin Norollah
Ahmad Patooghy
Mist-Scan: A Secure Scan Chain Architecture to Resist Scan-Based Attacks in Cryptographic Chips.
Danesh Derafshi
Amin Norollah
Mohsen Khosroanjam
Hakem Beitollahi
HRHS: A High-Performance Real-Time Hardware Scheduler.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst.
31 (4) (2020)
Amin Norollah
Zahra Kazemi
David Hély
3D-Sorter: 3D Design of a Resource-Aware Hardware Sorter for Edge Computing Platforms Under Area and Energy Consumption Constraints.
Amin Norollah
Zahra Kazemi
Hakem Beitollahi
An Efficient Sorting Architecture for Area and Energy Constrained Edge Computing Devices.
Amin Norollah
Danesh Derafshi
Hakem Beitollahi
Mahdi Fazeli
RTHS: A Low-Cost High-Performance Real-Time Hardware Sorter, Using a Multidimensional Sorting Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
27 (7) (2019)
Amin Norollah
Hakem Beitollahi
Ahmad Patooghy
A New Hardware Accelerator for Data Sorting in Area & Energy Constrained Architectures.
Amin Norollah
Danesh Derafshi
Hakem Beitollahi
Ahmad Patooghy
PAT-Noxim: A Precise Power & Thermal Cycle-Accurate NoC Simulator.