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Alain Lelu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1988-2011
Publications (10 Years): 0
Michel Zitt
Alain Lelu
Elise Bassecoulard
Hybrid citation-word representations in science mapping: Portolan charts of research fields?
J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol.
62 (1) (2011)
Pascal Cuxac
Alain Lelu
Martine Cadot
Paving the way for next generation data-stream clustering: towards a unique and statistically valid cluster structure at any time step.
Int. J. Data Min. Model. Manag.
3 (4) (2011)
Martine Cadot
Alain Lelu
A Novel Decomposition Algorithm for Binary Datatables: Encouraging results on discrimination tasks.
Mohamed Hallab
Bruno Delprat
Alain Lelu
Codage et classification non supervisée d'un corpus Maya : extraire des contextes pour situer l'inconnu par rapport au connu.
Martine Cadot
Alain Lelu
Optimized Representation for Classifying Qualitative Data.
Alain Lelu
Martine Cadot
Statistically Valid Links and Anti-links BetweenWords and Between Documents: Applying TourneBool Randomization Test to a Reuters Collection.
EGC (best of volume)
Alain Lelu
Martine Cadot
Graphe des liens et anti-liens statistiquement valides entre les mots d'un corpus textuel: test de randomisation TourneBool sur le corpus Reuters.
Martine Cadot
Alain Lelu
Massive Pruning for Building an Operational Set of Association Rules: Metarules for Eliminating Conflicting and Redundant Rules.
Alain Lelu
Pascal Cuxac
Joel Johansson
Classification dynamique d'un flux documentaire : une évaluation statique préalable de l'algorithme GERMEN
Alain Lelu
Martine Cadot
Pascal Cuxac
Document stream clustering: experimenting an incremental algorithm and AR-based tools for highlighting dynamic trends
Elise Bassecoulard
Alain Lelu
Michel Zitt
Mapping nanosciences by citation flows: A preliminary analysis.
70 (3) (2007)
Alain Lelu
Clustering dynamique d'un flot de données: un algorithme incrémental et optimal de détection des maxima de densité.
Alain Lelu
Philippe Bessières
Alain Zasadzinski
Dominique Besagni
Extraction de processus fonctionnels en génétique des microbes à partir de résumés MEDLINE.
Alain Lelu
Mohamed Hallab
Habib Rhissassi
Nasreddine Bouhaï
Fabrice Papy
S. Bouyahi
S. Aubin
C. Qi
F. Tang
H. He
Textual mapping for multilingual and multiwriting access to information on the Internet.
Habib Rhissassi
Alain Lelu
Projet Hypermap: pour un environnement complet de génération automatique d'hypertexte.
William A. Turner
Alain Lelu
Albert Georgel
Geode: Optimizing data flow representation techniques in a network information system.
30 (1) (1994)
Alain Lelu
Claire François
Hypertext Paradigm in the Field of Information Retrieval: A Neural Approach.
Alain Lelu
From data analysis to neural networks: new prospects for efficient browsing through databases.
J. Inf. Sci.
17 (1) (1991)
Alain Lelu
Automatic Generation of Hypertext Links in Information Retrieval Systems: A Stochastic and an Incremental Algorithm.
Alain Lelu
Albert Georgel
Towards unsupervised data-flow analysis: neural models for clustering and factor analysis of large sets of highly multidimensional objects.
Alain Lelu
Browsing Image Databases Via Data Analysis and Neural Networks.