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Adrian Chiu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Web Applications
Java Programming
Root Cause
Text Localization And Recognition
Top Venues
USENIX Annual Technical Conference
HRI (Companion)
Dave Murray-Rust
Maria Luce Lupetti
Alessandro Ianniello
Matt Gorbet
Aadjan J. C. van der Helm
Liliane Filthaut
Adrian Chiu
Philip Beesley
Spatial Robotic Experiences as a Ground for Future HRI Speculations.
HRI (Companion)
Xiang (Jenny) Ren
Sitao Wang
Zhuqi Jin
David Lion
Adrian Chiu
Tianyin Xu
Ding Yuan
Relational Debugging - Pinpointing Root Causes of Performance Problems.
David Lion
Adrian Chiu
Michael Stumm
Ding Yuan
Investigating Managed Language Runtime Performance: Why JavaScript and Python are 8x and 29x slower than C++, yet Java and Go can be Faster?
USENIX Annual Technical Conference
David Lion
Adrian Chiu
Ding Yuan
M3: end-to-end memory management in elastic system software stacks.
David Lion
Adrian Chiu
Hailong Sun
Xin Zhuang
Nikola Grcevski
Ding Yuan
Don't Get Caught in the Cold, Warm-up Your JVM: Understand and Eliminate JVM Warm-up Overhead in Data-Parallel Systems.