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Adam R. Aron
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2023
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Action Sequences
Signature Recognition
Prefrontal Cortex
Human Actions
Top Venues
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
Vignesh Muralidharan
Adam R. Aron
Michael X. Cohen
Robert Schmidt
Two modes of midfrontal theta suggest a role in conflict and error processing.
273 (2023)
Vignesh Muralidharan
Adam R. Aron
Robert Schmidt
Transient beta modulates decision thresholds during human action-stopping.
254 (2022)
Ricci Hannah
Vignesh Muralidharan
Adam R. Aron
Motor cortex oscillates at its intrinsic post-movement beta rhythm following real (but not sham) single pulse, rhythmic and arrhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation.
251 (2022)
Anna Castiglione
Adam R. Aron
Unwanted Memory Intrusions Recruit Broad Motor Suppression.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
33 (1) (2021)
Vignesh Muralidharan
Adam R. Aron
Behavioral Induction of a High Beta State in Sensorimotor Cortex Leads to Movement Slowing.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
33 (7) (2021)
Ke Zeng
Neil M. Drummond
Ayda Ghahremani
Utpal Saha
Suneil K. Kalia
Mojgan Hodaie
Andres M. Lozano
Adam R. Aron
Robert Chen
Fronto-subthalamic phase synchronization and cross-frequency coupling during conflict processing.
238 (2021)
Ricci Hannah
Vignesh Muralidharan
Kelsey K. Sundby
Adam R. Aron
Temporally-precise disruption of prefrontal cortex informed by the timing of beta bursts impairs human action-stopping.
222 (2020)
Kelsey K. Sundby
Johanna Wagner
Adam R. Aron
The Functional Role of Response Suppression during an Urge to Relieve Pain.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
31 (9) (2019)
Vignesh Muralidharan
Xinze Yu
Mike X. Cohen
Adam R. Aron
Preparing to Stop Action Increases Beta Band Power in Contralateral Sensorimotor Cortex.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
31 (5) (2019)
Johanna Wagner
Jan R. Wessel
Ayda Ghahremani
Adam R. Aron
Establishing a Right Frontal Beta Signature for Stopping Action in Scalp EEG: Implications for Testing Inhibitory Control in Other Task Contexts.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
30 (1) (2018)
Scott M. Freeman
Adam R. Aron
Withholding a Reward-driven Action: Studies of the Rise and Fall of Motor Activation and the Effect of Cognitive Depletion.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
28 (2) (2016)
Yu-Chin Chiu
Roshan Cools
Adam R. Aron
Opposing Effects of Appetitive and Aversive Cues on Go/No-go Behavior and Motor Excitability.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
26 (8) (2014)
Jan R. Wessel
Adam R. Aron
Inhibitory motor control based on complex stopping goals relies on the same brain network as simple stopping.
103 (2014)
Nicole C. Swann
Weidong Cai
Christopher R. Conner
Thomas A. Pieters
Michael P. Claffey
Jobi S. George
Adam R. Aron
Nitin Tandon
Roles for the pre-supplementary motor area and the right inferior frontal gyrus in stopping action: Electrophysiological responses and functional and structural connectivity.
59 (3) (2012)
Yu-Chin Chiu
Adam R. Aron
Frederick Verbruggen
Response Suppression by Automatic Retrieval of Stimulus-Stop Association: Evidence from Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
24 (9) (2012)
Tyler M. Seibert
D. S. Adnan Majid
Adam R. Aron
Jody Corey-Bloom
James B. Brewer
Stability of resting fMRI interregional correlations analyzed in subject-native space: A one-year longitudinal study in healthy adults and premanifest Huntington's disease.
59 (3) (2012)
Eliza Congdon
Jeanette A. Mumford
Jessica R. Cohen
Adriana Galvan
Adam R. Aron
Gui Xue
Eric Miller
Russell A. Poldrack
Corrigendum to "Engagement of large-scale networks is related to individual differences in inhibitory control" [NeuroImage 53/2 (2010) 653-663].
56 (3) (2011)
Angela Rizk-Jackson
Diederick Stoffers
Sarah Sheldon
Joshua M. Kuperman
Anders M. Dale
Jody Goldstein
Jody Corey-Bloom
Russell A. Poldrack
Adam R. Aron
Evaluating imaging biomarkers for neurodegeneration in pre-symptomatic Huntington's disease using machine learning techniques.
56 (2) (2011)
Eliza Congdon
Jeanette A. Mumford
Jessica R. Cohen
Adriana Galvan
Adam R. Aron
Gui Xue
Eric Miller
Russell A. Poldrack
Engagement of large-scale networks is related to individual differences in inhibitory control.
53 (2) (2010)
Sara Jahfari
Cathy M. Stinear
Mike Claffey
Frederick Verbruggen
Adam R. Aron
Responding with Restraint: What Are the Neurocognitive Mechanisms?
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
22 (7) (2010)
Jussi Tohka
Karin Foerde
Adam R. Aron
Sabrina M. Tom
Arthur W. Toga
Russell A. Poldrack
Automatic independent component labeling for artifact removal in fMRI.
39 (3) (2008)
Adam R. Aron
Mark A. Gluck
Russell A. Poldrack
Long-term test-retest reliability of functional MRI in a classification learning task.
29 (3) (2006)