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Adam M. Braly
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2023
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Space Station
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Relevance Judgments
Virtual Reality
Top Venues
Hum. Factors
Patricia R. Delucia
Adam M. Braly
Bria R. Savoy
Does the Size-Arrival Effect Occur With an Active Collision-Avoidance Task in an Immersive 3D Virtual Reality Environment?
Hum. Factors
65 (5) (2023)
Adam M. Braly
Patricia R. DeLucia
Can Stroboscopic Training Improve Judgments of Time-to-Collision?
Hum. Factors
62 (1) (2020)
Adam M. Braly
Benjamin Nuernberger
So Young Kim
Augmented Reality Improves Procedural Work on an International Space Station Science Instrument.
Hum. Factors
61 (6) (2019)