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Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
volume 306, 1988
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming, Workshop, Trento, Italy, December 15-19, 1986, Proceedings
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
306 (1988)
Eugenio G. Omodeo
Hints for the Design of a Set Calculus Oriented to Automated Deduction.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
Antonio D'Angelo
Horn: an Inference Engine Prototype to Implement Intelligent Systems.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
Elio Giovannetti
Corrado Moiso
A Completeness Result for E-unification Algorithms Based on Conditional Narrowing.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
Carolyn L. Talcott
. An Intensional Theory of Function and Control Abstractions.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
Corrado Böhm
Reducing Recursion to Iteration by Means of Pairs and N-tuples.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
Luca Cardelli
Typechecking Dependent Types and Subtypes.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
Carlo Zaniolo
Domenico Saccà
Rule Rewriting Methods for Efficient Implementations of Horn Logic.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
Jean-Louis Lassez
Michael J. Maher
Kim Marriott
Unification Revisited.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
Pierangelo Miglioli
Ugo Moscato
Mario Ornaghi
PAP: A Logic Programming System Based on a Constructive Logic.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming
Nicola Guarino
Representing Domain Structure of Many-Sorted Prolog Knowledge Bases.
Foundations of Logic and Functional Programming