Shyness Level and Sensitivity to Gaze from Agents - Are Shy People Sensitive to Agent's Gaze?
Tomoko KodaMasaki OguraYu MatsuiPublished in: IVA (2016)
- multi agent systems
- multi agent
- eye tracking
- multiple agents
- intelligent agents
- multiagent systems
- autonomous agents
- agent systems
- software agents
- eye movements
- mobile agents
- agent architecture
- artificial agents
- eye tracker
- single agent
- agent model
- visual attention
- agent technology
- dynamic environments
- eye gaze
- decision making
- cooperating agents
- action selection
- gaze estimation
- multi agent environment
- communicating agents
- agent environment
- heterogeneous agents
- agent interactions
- interacting agents
- inter agent
- cooperative agents
- decision theoretic
- agents and data mining
- resource bounded
- reactive agents
- interface agent
- social welfare
- distributed agents
- agent behavior
- agent receives
- multiagent architecture
- cooperative
- reasoning process
- agent based systems
- multi agent architecture
- agent communication
- agent cooperation
- role assignment
- resource allocation
- plan execution
- minority game
- intelligent software agents
- agent platform
- belief desire intention
- micro level
- coalition formation
- human computer interaction
- agent programming
- multi agent environments
- negotiation strategies