Parsing Arabic Nominal Sentences with Transducers to Annotate Corpora.
Nadia Ghezaiel HammoudaKais HaddarPublished in: Computación y Sistemas (2017)
- pos taggers
- pos tagging
- natural language processing
- penn treebank
- natural language
- arabic language
- parse tree
- part of speech
- linguistic analysis
- wide coverage
- phrase structure
- grammar induction
- syntactic analysis
- syntactic structures
- text summarization
- natural language sentences
- dependency parsing
- syntactic parsing
- syntactic categories
- semantic annotation
- statistical machine translation
- word frequency
- highly ambiguous
- semantic parsing
- dependency structure
- link grammar
- metadata
- semantic analysis
- text corpus
- question answering
- machine translation
- word sense disambiguation
- dependency tree
- lexical resources
- finite automata
- machine learning
- training corpus
- word alignment
- word order
- tree bank
- probabilistic context free grammars
- linguistic patterns
- phrase extraction
- multi document summarization
- word segmentation
- automatic summarization
- linguistic features
- text mining
- dependency parser
- named entity recognition
- language processing
- text corpora
- natural language generation
- natural language parsing
- sentence level
- noun phrases
- semantic representation
- semantic role labeling
- unsupervised methods
- information extraction