Unsupervised Emotion Detection from Text Using Semantic and Syntactic Relations.
Ameeta AgrawalAijun AnPublished in: Web Intelligence (2012)
- lexical semantics
- shallow semantic
- linguistic analysis
- rhetorical structure theory
- semantic representation
- semantic representations
- natural language
- natural language text
- syntactic structures
- recognizing textual entailment
- syntactic features
- text representation
- syntactic categories
- syntactic analysis
- syntactic semantic
- lexico syntactic
- semantic features
- semantic information
- semantic parsing
- linguistic patterns
- semantic network
- textual entailment
- semantic constraints
- natural language processing
- natural language sentences
- dependency relations
- semantic role labeling
- language generation
- conceptual graphs
- text segments
- arabic text
- question answering
- unsupervised learning
- text to speech synthesis
- facial expressions
- syntactic information
- word pairs
- semantic knowledge
- text documents
- semantic content
- semantic relations
- domain specific
- supervised learning
- text mining
- machine translation
- complex background
- semantic analysis
- keywords
- detection algorithm
- video data
- predicate argument
- relation extraction
- context free grammars
- object detection
- natural language understanding
- semantically related
- semantic roles