Conception and Use of Ontologies for Indexing and Searching by Semantic Contents of Video Courses
Ghalia MerzouguiMahieddine DjoudiAmel BehazPublished in: CoRR (2012)
- audio visual content
- semantic web
- multimedia
- domain ontology
- video indexing
- semantic web technologies
- semantic technologies
- semantically rich
- lecture videos
- topic maps
- semantic search
- ontology alignment
- content based video retrieval
- content based indexing
- semantic relationships
- ontology mapping
- web ontologies
- semantic matching
- umls metathesaurus
- textual descriptions
- semantic interoperability
- video data
- semantic query
- semantic knowledge
- sports video
- database
- semantic concepts
- semantic content
- metadata
- video event
- video sequences
- semantic integration
- multimedia data
- domain specific
- semantic information
- information retrieval
- video streams
- related concepts
- content based retrieval
- semantic descriptions
- learning objects
- controlled vocabulary
- semantic data
- multimedia databases
- video frames
- higher education
- natural language
- semantic annotation
- video content
- tv programs
- e learning
- ontology population
- video analysis
- owl ontologies
- semantic similarity
- video search
- effective retrieval
- video retrieval
- formal ontologies
- domain specific ontologies
- online course
- ontology matching
- heterogeneous information systems
- ontology evolution
- semantic representations
- semantic heterogeneity
- conceptual graphs
- domain knowledge
- semi automatic
- distance learning
- semantic mapping
- semantic representation
- knowledge base
- learning content
- semantic description
- data sources
- co occurrence