Reliable classification of childhood acute leukaemia from gene expression data using confidence machines.
Tony BellottiZhiyuan LuoAlexander GammermanPublished in: GrC (2006)
- gene expression data
- gene expression analysis
- microarray
- gene expression
- gene expression profiles
- high dimensionality
- cancer classification
- dna microarray data
- feature selection
- analysis of gene expression data
- dna microarray
- tumor classification
- microarray data
- microarray datasets
- colon cancer
- cancer diagnosis
- gene expression datasets
- gene expression data sets
- gene selection
- microarray data analysis
- gene expression data analysis
- cancer datasets
- gene expression profiling
- decision trees
- machine learning
- gene expression microarray data
- data sets
- feature extraction
- classification accuracy
- regulatory networks
- support vector
- high dimensional data
- pattern recognition
- feature space
- high dimensional
- tissue samples
- feature vectors
- microarray gene expression data
- gene expression patterns
- gene regulatory networks
- gene networks
- support vector machine
- feature set
- machine learning methods
- image processing