DNS to the rescue: discerning content and services in a tangled web.
Ignacio BermudezMarco MelliaMaurizio M. MunafòRam KeralapuraAntonio NucciPublished in: Internet Measurement Conference (2012)
- content management
- web content
- web technologies
- user generated content
- web portals
- web documents
- content providers
- web resources
- website
- end users
- web applications
- mashup
- service providers
- content management system
- web services
- web information
- web environment
- user centric
- dynamic content
- media content
- information providers
- content delivery networks
- web pages
- content creation
- user communities
- relevant content
- information sources
- web images
- personal web
- service oriented
- linked data
- semantic descriptions
- semantic web technologies
- digital collections
- social media
- constantly evolving
- mobile internet
- video sharing
- online video
- current web
- data repositories
- service description
- metadata
- multimedia
- semantic web
- web data
- information resources
- service composition
- product information
- information services
- online communities
- value added services
- trust relationships
- digital objects
- web users
- web mining
- directory service
- page content
- recommender systems
- emergency services
- web based systems
- composite services