- nonmonotonic logics
- modal logic
- modal operators
- kripke models
- dynamic logic
- logic programming
- epistemic logic
- conditional logic
- proof theory
- sound and complete with respect
- nonmonotonic reasoning
- propositional dynamic logic
- sound and complete axiomatization
- prior knowledge
- logical framework
- propositional logic
- temporal relations
- temporal logic
- autoepistemic logic
- classical logic
- default theories
- formal semantics
- deontic logic
- inference rules
- operational semantics
- default logic
- tableau calculus
- description logic alc
- logical rules
- defeasible logic
- computational properties
- derivation rules
- higher order logic
- abstract argumentation frameworks
- proof theoretic
- valued semantics
- alternating time temporal logic
- algebraic structure
- predicate calculus
- active rules
- situation calculus
- semantic information
- formal language
- model theoretic
- intuitionistic logic
- reasoning tasks
- multi valued
- automated reasoning
- default reasoning
- prior information
- logic programs
- fixed point semantics
- description logics