Artificial Intelligence for the Electron Ion Collider (AI4EIC).
C. AllaireR. AmmendolaE.-C. AschenauerM. BalandatMarco BattaglieriJ. C. BernauerM. BondìN. BransonT. BrittonAnja ButterI. ChahrourP. ChatagnonEvaristo CisbaniE. W. ClineS. DashC. T. DeanW. DeconinckA. DeshpandeMarkus DiefenthalerR. EntCristiano FanelliM. FingerE. FolS. FurletovY. GaoJames GirouxN. C. Gunawardhana WadugeO. HassanP. L. HegdeRoger José Hernández-PintoAstrid N. Hiller BlinTanja HornJ. HuangA. JalotraD. JayakodigeB. JooM. JunaidN. KalantariansPiyush KarandeB. KriestenR. Kunnawalkam ElayavalliY. LiM. LinFrank LiuS. LiutiG. MatousekMatthew McEneaneyDiana McSpaddenT. MenzoT. MiceliVinicius MikuniR. MontgomeryBenjamin NachmanR. R. NairJ. NiestroyS. A. Ochoa OregonJ. OleniaczJ. D. OsbornC. PaudelC. PecarC. PengGabriel N. PerdueW. PhelpsM. L. PurschkeH. RajendranK. RajputY. RenDavid Francisco Rentería-EstradaD. RichfordB. J. RoyD. RoyA. SainiNobuo SatoT. SatogataGerman SborliniMalachi SchramD. ShihJ. SinghR. SinghA. SiodmokJ. StevensP. StoneL. SuarezK. SureshA.-N. TawfikFernando Torales AcostaN. TranR. TrottaF. J. TwagirayezuR. TysonS. VolkovaAnselm VossenEric WalterDaniel WhitesonMichael WilliamsS. WuN. ZachariouP. ZuritaPublished in: Comput. Softw. Big Sci. (2024)
- artificial intelligence
- ai methods
- ai systems
- ai technologies
- high energy
- intelligent systems
- ai community
- artificially intelligent
- case based reasoning
- software engineering
- machine intelligence
- knowledge representation
- intelligent behavior
- computational intelligence
- machine learning
- expert systems
- engineering design
- intelligent agents
- computer science
- neural network
- knowledge based systems
- cognitive psychology
- knowledge representation and reasoning
- knowledge acquisition
- areas of artificial intelligence
- theoretical computer science
- human level
- john mccarthy
- human cognitive
- natural language
- fuzzy logic
- natural language processing
- related fields
- lecture notes in artificial intelligence
- cognitive science