Bayesian Graph Neural Network for Fast identification of critical nodes in Uncertain Complex Networks.
Sai MunikotiLaya DasBalasubramaniam NatarajanPublished in: SMC (2021)
- complex networks
- betweenness centrality
- undirected graph
- neural network
- small world
- graph theory
- real world networks
- network structure
- scale free networks
- community detection
- network analysis
- community discovery
- random graphs
- overlapping communities
- graph structure
- community structure
- social networks
- social network analysis
- clustering coefficient
- scale free
- directed graph
- adjacency matrix
- small world networks
- path length
- weighted graph
- link prediction
- shortest path
- information theoretic concepts
- centrality measures
- protein interaction networks
- community detection algorithms
- social and information networks
- graph structures
- biological networks
- functional modules
- network evolution
- edge weights
- graph theoretic
- citation networks
- online social networks
- graph model
- network model
- network topology
- community mining
- degree centrality
- bayesian networks
- clustering algorithm