Preventing Overloading Incidents on Smart Grids: A Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization Approach.
Nikolaos AntoniadisMaxime CordyAngelo SifalerasYves Le TraonPublished in: OLA (2020)
- combinatorial optimization
- multi objective
- evolutionary algorithm
- optimization problems
- simulated annealing
- metaheuristic
- optimization algorithm
- particle swarm optimization
- combinatorial optimization problems
- multi objective optimization
- multiobjective optimization
- traveling salesman problem
- genetic algorithm
- artificial bee colony
- objective function
- branch and bound
- combinatorial problems
- multiple objectives
- branch and bound algorithm
- mathematical programming
- hard combinatorial optimization problems
- nsga ii
- pareto optimal
- quadratic assignment problem
- max flow min cut
- differential evolution
- ant colony optimization
- memetic algorithm
- multiobjective evolutionary algorithm
- particle swarm optimization pso
- multiobjective genetic algorithm
- path relinking
- optimal solution
- single machine scheduling problem
- exact algorithms
- tabu search
- ant colony
- job shop scheduling problem
- graph theory
- vehicle routing problem
- solution quality