Juru at TREC 2003 - Topic Distillation using Query-Sensitive Tuning and Cohesiveness Filtering.
Einat AmitayDavid CarmelAdam DarlowMichael HerscoviciRonny LempelAya SofferReiner KraftJason Y. ZienPublished in: TREC (2003)
- topic distillation
- trec web track
- query independent
- test collection
- information retrieval
- website
- ad hoc retrieval
- relevance feedback
- search engine
- query dependent
- database
- query processing
- query expansion
- relevance judgments
- search tasks
- query logs
- retrieval systems
- language model
- vector space
- average precision
- relevance assessments
- web search
- query evaluation
- document retrieval
- link structure
- web queries
- keywords
- content and structure
- information retrieval systems
- data sources