Non-linear simulation of controller for longitudinal control augmentation system of F-16 using numerical approach.
Endri RachmanJihad Mohamad JaamAhmad HasnahPublished in: Inf. Sci. (2004)
- control system
- matlab simulink
- neural network controller
- control method
- control strategy
- control theory
- pid control
- optimal control
- active queue management
- control algorithm
- adaptive control
- control architecture
- closed loop
- adaptive fuzzy control
- feedback controller
- matlab simulation
- feedback control
- control scheme
- external disturbances
- iterative learning control
- robotic manipulator
- impedance control
- pid controller
- disturbance rejection
- tracking control
- intelligent control
- control rules
- controller design
- simulation model
- internal model control
- control signals
- control loop
- adaptive neural
- robotic systems
- adaptive fuzzy
- fuzzy logic controller
- pi control
- mathematical model
- operating conditions
- reference trajectory
- control parameters
- control strategies
- fuzzy logic control
- fuzzy logic
- traffic signal
- fuzzy controller
- sliding mode control
- finite difference
- motion control
- power electronics
- takagi sugeno
- desired trajectory
- proportional integral derivative
- robust stability
- trajectory tracking
- real time
- robot control
- numerical simulations
- neural network