Cross-Dialect Sentence Transformation: A Comparative Analysis of Language Models for Adapting Sentences to British English.
Shruti DuttaShashwat MookherjeePublished in: CoRR (2023)
- language model
- natural language
- parse tree
- sentence retrieval
- dependency structure
- language modeling
- linguistic features
- document level
- n gram
- sentence level
- source language
- statistical machine translation
- semantic roles
- part of speech
- cross lingual
- translation model
- cross language retrieval
- retrieval model
- target language
- document retrieval
- relevance model
- word level
- language modeling approaches
- speech recognition
- query expansion
- information retrieval
- multiword
- text summarization
- test collection
- parallel corpus
- probabilistic model
- semantic role labeling
- machine translation
- cross language
- language modelling
- context sensitive
- passage retrieval
- statistical language models
- question answering
- vector space model
- language independent
- natural language processing
- query terms
- smoothing methods
- sentiment analysis
- machine translation system
- language models for information retrieval
- dependency parsing
- document set
- parallel corpora
- document ranking
- word sense
- noun phrases
- text classification
- information extraction
- sentiment classification
- text mining
- keywords