Unsupervised Fuzzy Inference System for Speech Emotion Recognition using audio and text cues (Workshop Paper).
Srishti VashishthaSeba SusanPublished in: BigMM (2020)
- fuzzy inference system
- text to speech synthesis
- text to speech
- prosodic features
- multimodal fusion
- emotion recognition
- audio visual
- multimodal interfaces
- fuzzy logic
- spoken documents
- speech synthesis
- neural fuzzy
- input output
- fuzzy rules
- neuro fuzzy
- fuzzy inference
- audio stream
- text graphics
- human language
- unsupervised learning
- fuzzy systems
- membership functions
- spontaneous speech
- broadcast news
- audio signals
- affect sensing
- facial expressions
- text input
- fuzzy if then rules
- speaker verification
- neural network
- speech recognition
- multimedia
- computer vision
- automatic transcription
- visual data
- fuzzy model
- emotional state
- spoken document retrieval
- anfis model
- feature extraction
- visual information
- clustering algorithm
- audio features
- artificial neural networks
- speaker identification
- fuzzy controller