Symmetric Graphs with Respect to Graph Entropy.
Seyed Saeed Changiz RezaeiEhsan ChiniforooshanPublished in: Electron. J. Comb. (2017)
- graph representation
- graph theory
- weighted graph
- graph structure
- graph matching
- directed graph
- graph construction
- graph classification
- graph theoretic
- graph model
- adjacency matrix
- labeled graphs
- graph databases
- graph structures
- graph theoretical
- graph partitioning
- graph search
- graph data
- graph mining
- bipartite graph
- undirected graph
- graph clustering
- maximum clique
- graph properties
- graph kernels
- graph representations
- structural pattern recognition
- graph transformation
- graph isomorphism
- subgraph isomorphism
- maximum common subgraph
- random walk
- series parallel
- maximal cliques
- dense subgraphs
- disk resident
- neighborhood graph
- dynamic graph
- query graph
- web graph
- edge weights
- attributed graphs
- topological information
- directed acyclic
- maximum cardinality
- minimum spanning tree
- mutual information
- inexact graph matching
- connected dominating set
- spanning tree
- evolving graphs
- spectral decomposition
- connected components
- adjacency graph
- graph drawing
- information theoretic
- graph embedding
- real world graphs
- graph patterns
- small world
- social graphs
- quasi cliques
- shortest path
- community discovery
- connected graphs
- finding the shortest path
- relational graph
- planar graphs
- structured data
- graph layout
- association graph
- reachability queries
- directed acyclic graph
- pattern mining