How much support do students need when formulating hypotheses in a computer-supported inquiry learning environment: The case of a hypothesis formulation software scaffold.
Nikoletta A. XenofontosTasos HovardasZacharias C. ZachariaPublished in: IISA (2017)
- computer supported
- learning environment
- learning activities
- collaborative learning environment
- inquiry learning
- learning systems
- knowledge building
- peer tutoring
- reflective learning
- science classroom
- collaborative learning
- collaboration scripts
- curriculum design
- learning scenarios
- computer supported collaboration
- learning processes
- learning community
- learning outcomes
- learning process
- collaborative problem solving
- collaborative learning activities
- inquiry based learning
- cognitive tools
- computer supported collaborative learning
- graphic design
- collaborative inquiry learning
- e learning
- mobile learning
- computer supported learning
- collaborative activities
- socio cultural
- collaborative writing
- cooperative learning
- remote collaboration
- learning styles
- personalized learning
- learning opportunities
- learning design
- ubiquitous learning environment
- mobile devices
- machine learning
- learning platform
- multimedia
- learning objects
- learning strategies
- social interaction
- learning resources
- instructional strategies