Game theory-based optimization of distributed idle computing resources in cloud environments.
Gang LiuZheng XiaoGuanghua TanKenli LiAnthony Theodore ChronopoulosPublished in: Theor. Comput. Sci. (2020)
- game theory
- computing resources
- cloud computing
- geographically distributed
- load balance
- cooperative
- distributed computing
- virtual machine
- game theoretic
- cloud services
- statistical physics
- resource management
- limited resources
- resource allocation
- multi agent systems
- data management
- data center
- nash equilibrium
- mechanism design
- multi agent learning
- nash equilibria
- cooperative game theory
- grid computing
- computing environments
- distributed systems
- fault tolerant
- decision theory
- distributed environment
- service providers
- data processing
- imperfect information
- fictitious play
- multi agent
- dynamic environments
- peer to peer
- databases
- human computation
- solution concepts
- high performance computing
- autonomous agents
- boolean games