A software package for non-invasive, real-time beat-to-beat monitoring of stroke volume, blood pressure, total peripheral resistance and for assessment of autonomic functionAn updated and improved software version for Windows 95/NT and the complete biosignal electronics (ECG, ICG, beat-to-beat and oscillometric blood pressure and pulse oxymetry) will be supplied in a compact instrument by: CNSystems Medical Equipment Inc. Heinrichstrasse 22 A-8010 Graz, Austria, Europe. Tel: +43/316/3631-0; Fax: +43/316/3631-20; E-mail: sales@cnsystems.at; Internet: http.//www.cnsytems.at.
Gerfried GratzeJürgen FortinAlbert HollerKarin GrasenickGert PfurtschellerPaul WachJosef SchöneggerPeter KotankoFalko SkrabalPublished in: Comput. Biol. Medicine (1998)