Signature-Based Abduction with Fresh Individuals and Complex Concepts for Description Logics.
Patrick KoopmannPublished in: IJCAI (2021)
- description logics
- concept descriptions
- reasoning tasks
- knowledge representation languages
- knowledge base
- reasoning services
- biomedical ontologies
- knowledge representation
- background knowledge
- owl ontologies
- computational properties
- reasoning systems
- structured objects
- inductive learning
- knowledge representation and reasoning
- knowledge representation formalisms
- computing least common subsumers
- semantic web
- dl lite
- ontology based data access
- logic programming
- reasoning problems
- medical terminology
- number restrictions
- formal ontologies
- terminological knowledge
- fuzzy description logics
- uml class diagrams
- owl dl
- model theoretic
- ontology languages
- query answering
- np complete
- logic programs
- data management