Determinants of player acceptance of mobile social network games: An application of extended technology acceptance model.
Eunil ParkSeoin BaekJay OhmHyun Joon ChangPublished in: Telematics Informatics (2014)
- technology acceptance model
- user acceptance
- social networks
- empirically tested
- perceived usefulness
- game play
- theoretical framework
- repeated games
- mobile devices
- video games
- theory of reasoned action
- mobile services
- social network analysis
- mobile phone
- factors affecting
- structural equation modeling
- social networking
- user satisfaction
- computer games
- service quality
- social media
- theory of planned behavior
- mobile learning
- social interaction
- technology acceptance
- technology adoption
- factors that affect
- statistically significant
- cross sectional
- online game
- computer self efficacy
- game playing
- game design
- end users
- mobile users