A Game Approach to Multi-dimensional Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks with Stubborn Strategist Agents.
Hossein Barghi JondAykut YildizPublished in: CoRR (2023)
- multi dimensional
- social networks
- game theoretic
- minority game
- multi agent simulation
- real time strategy games
- multi agent systems
- multi agent
- game theory
- opponent modeling
- autonomous agents
- nash equilibria
- multiagent systems
- cooperative
- coalitional games
- multiple agents
- social network analysis
- weighted average
- virtual characters
- online social networks
- stochastic games
- software agents
- two player games
- computer poker
- video games
- evolutionary game
- rational agents
- game players
- agent model
- dialogue games
- trust model
- intelligent agents
- mobile agents
- game playing
- pure strategy
- agent architecture
- population size
- cooperative game
- decision making
- social media
- virtual world
- mixed strategy
- multi player
- computer games
- solution concepts
- repeated games
- data cube
- imperfect information
- community detection
- incomplete information
- multiple dimensions
- decision problems
- link prediction
- multiagent reinforcement learning
- serious games
- single agent
- virtual environment
- game play
- high dimensional
- coalition formation